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Everything posted by zach72

  1. Elipzo's having problems with his PC and we've decided Xarnax42 is going to do week 3, so turns out I'm stepping up for Energy Tank this week !
  2. After listening to this mix.... THERE IS NO LIMIT TO ME Loving all of Sir Jordanius' stuff so far, can't wait to see what he has in store next <3
  3. Oooh! My bad, I'm in the wrong here. I accidentally confused you for Elipzo. Although he has yet to respond... :(

    If he doesn't respond by monday, I'll just start mixing

  4. Waitt.... Didn't you get the PM and or Email I sent to you? :o

  5. Cool new drums ya added there ! Really cool thing you've got so far, the only thing kinda nagging at me is at 0:24 nothing's really prominent aside from the drums, I had to turn up my volume to hear anything else there. But that might be what you wanted, I'm not sure. The chords there are cool, so just thought that you might want to bring em out (Also the strings that come in at 1:03 kinda seem a tad too soft as well, but it might be just my personal preference, so disregard this if I'm not making any sense xD) Looking forward to how this turns out~
  6. Gonna second The Damned here; RSE weren't bad or unoriginal in ways relative to the other games. In fact, 3rd gen games were my favorite, so I'm pretty excited for these possible remakes
  7. In general? I dunno, I thought the rest of the remix was at a good volume, just that particular section was just almost inaudible
  8. Nice mix, SuperiorX! Awesome layering of the two themes, you just melded them right on each other ! Really loved the section where it dropped volume a lot, I just wish it was a little bit louder there so I could enjoy it moar
  9. My robot picks: 1. Fire Man 2. Snake Man 3. Wave Man 4. Wind Man 5. Top Man I'm up for teaming up with anyone (be warned: I suck lol)
  10. Your entry was cool too :D

  11. Funny, when I was finishing it up, I felt it was more Drill Man dominated. I guess it's a bit more subtle as a lot of it is dispersed by a phrase or so into another section. And just curious,what samples were weird though? (I know my instrument choice isn't the best xD) And as for your mix, chroxic, all I can think of is restating what SuperiorX has said. The song is cool and the effects you have going on are interesting, just the song sounds kinda murky
  12. So I think I'm pretty much done with my mix ! It's a bit odd with some pretty bad transitions xD but I'm looking forward to getting some criticism on it Just A Day In The Mines
  13. Errr I've gotten a minute and a half done, probably only gonna have 2-3 minutes at the end tho hbu?
  14. Wow, is it just me, or did that last addition make the remix a lot awesome-r?! It's really stepped up from the last version ! Only think I can think of is what was previously suggested: switching up the string sample used. Perhaps edirol? (And man, that lead at 3:05 really hits the spot )
  15. zach72

    it's the good job guy

  16. Cool mix, AA! The solos and synths are awesome (although the line at 2:16 seems to blend in/is too soft a bit too much) as well as the pitch drop things. But you might also want to switch up the bass more often, I noticed it getting a little bit repetitive.
  17. I think MIDI instruments aren't generally well liked around ocremix, as the sounds don't seem to compare to other samples around...Also, as awesome as those low sounds and drums are, they seem to overpower the melody a bit too much imo. The mix as a whole is really cool though
  18. Yo Jason (Jackson..?)! :D

  19. zach72

    i kno u r bhut wut am i

  20. Chroxic, just say the word if ya need more time, as I also haven't gotten too far on my own mix
  21. Hey AeroZ! I was wondering if you'd let me use your ReMix "Turning Terrors" in a game. I'll link you after and done and of course I'll credit ya and OCR

  22. Awesome, let them fights begin NOT COOOL GUISEEEEE I thought we had already decided on not voting in earlier posts
  23. Awesome, any due date you wanna stick with? Or just around a certain number of weeks?
  24. Chroxic, I'll challenge ya whenever you're free (and have figured out which robot master you're choosing), just say when
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