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Shadow Wolf

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Well, after a really lazy Google search for translation from what I assume was Norwegian, the internet tells me you said: "and so makes a you no matter a post at hardware.no instead? a good deal of brighter there :P" So, in response: Sykehuslege oversetteren er skrekkelige. Vil du vite Engelske så JEG kanne fortelle hva helvetet du rettferdig sa? EDIT: After a small amount of research, I've come to the conclusion that you said something to the effect of: "Why don't you just make a post on hardware instead? That would make more sense\be more helpful." How close was I?
  2. Actually, you may be surprised at how little cooling you need for a Core Duo machine. When Intel switched from Pentium 4 to Core processors, they also changed one VERY important thing: the pins for a processor are now on the motherboard, and the bottom surface of the processor is nothing but flat receiver plates. This obviously led to a new form factor for motherboards, called "BTX." Basically, because the pins are on the motherboard now, the processor is placed on top of them and locked down with a kind of processor cage. But by far the most important advantage is that the contact points on the pins are now exposed to open air instead of being sunken into a slot, which means a BTX processor can be cooled twice as efficiently with half the fan, because air can be sent right through that forest of pins to pull heat away. So, you'll probably find out that a good CPU fan and a couple 120mm auxiliary fans at the front and back of the case will do the trick just as well as it always has. As long as core temp stays below about 100 degrees fahrenheit, you should be ok. Also make sure that whatever video card you buy has its own fan. Any NVidia or ATI card should, but just be certain.
  3. OK, several things to address. Number one, these both seem to be 1st generation Pentium 4 motherboards, because they're both 478 pin processor slots. The first Pentium 4 processors had 478 pins, and later on they were upgraded to 770-something pins. What your friend may have been referring to is hyper-threading, which was developed for the Pentium 4 processor. What it basically is is this: The processor has one processing core. Instead of the core doing one complete task at a time like it did before hyper-threading, it does a bit of one task, a bit of another task, a bit of another, and so on, and 'threads' them together so they all get done twice as fast. It works fairly well. However, I'm not entirely sure if any of the 478 pin procs feature hyper threading. A dual core processor simply has two separate, hyper-threaded cores, so an Intel Core Duo actually processes at basically 4 times the speed listed on the processor. For example, a 1.5GhZ actually processes at roughly 6GhZ speed. There are no dual core Pentium 4's. As far as everything else, there is kind of a tossup there. The Cerberus all around seems to be a better motherboard, most of the numbers are better, specifically the FSB speed. FSB stands for Front Side Bus. Your bus is basically all the gold leads connecting parts of your motherboard, and the faster the better. Think of it in terms of water. Let's say your processor has an FSB speed of 800 MhZ, so we'll say it outputs 800 gallons of water per minute. The FSB Effective Clock on the Fenrir's BUS is 400MhZ, so we'll say the bus is your pipes, and they can handle 400 gallons a minute. So basically, the pipes are too small. Even though the processor is pushing 800 gallons a minute, the pipes can only handle 400, so you have a backup at the source and a loss of efficiency and processing speed. The moral of the story? Make sure your pipes are wide enough to handle that processor. 800 is enough for all but the gaming versions of the Pentium 4, which cost ungodly amounts and have an FSB speed of 1000MhZ. There will be a VERY noticeable performance difference with increases in BUS speed. Now, the memory. You didn't have any data on the maximum slot size of the Fenrir, but based on the other numbers, I would be very surprised if it was any higher than the Cerberus. The vast majority of Pentium 4 generation motherboards could only take a max of 2 gigs of memory. 2 gigs isn't a lot anymore, and SIMM and DIMM memory types are giving way to much faster RIMM. So, basically my opinion is this: If you're dead set on using the older machine, use the Cerberus board, sell the 1024 chip and buy 4 512's, it shouldn't cost more than $150 or so. But personally, if you have any extra cash and you want a decent gaming rig, I'd start saving for a new computer, with an absolute minimum of 2 gigs ram, a Dual Core processor, and at least a 256 meg video card. That's the basics for today's PC games, which is why I don't play many. There's my long winded lesson for the day. Let me know if you need anything else!
  4. Yeah, I did change the velocities for some parts of it, but not nearly all of it. So, question. Here's the velocities for the harp notes... this was how they were when I exported the MP3, so they're unchanged. So, how much change is too much? Obviously it depends on the forcefulness with which I *would* be playing the instrument, but you don't want the transitions between notes to be too jarring, and you don't want them to be too quiet either. So, any advice? The way I would play almost any instrument, especially strings, I would tend to be more forceful with the last note of certain bars, as well as when I'm playing longer notes, which I think shows in the image above. But mostly it's me going by ear and imagining how it would sound if I played it.
  5. This is quite simply the shizz. I've been working with this same theme over the last few days, but I wasn;t near brave enough to transcribe to 4/4. Good work!
  6. Hey guys! OK, this is a big enormous moment for me. After 6 years of listening to all of you, I’ve finally attempted to make my own music. This remix isn’t actually from a game though. It’s a waltz version of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. So I’m not a game remixer yet. You go with what you’ve got, right? I had a good solid idea for this song, so here it is: Waltz of the Sea, WIP 1. Please download it, give it a listen (choke through it if you must) and critique it. I have little experience in Fruityloops and no musical training, so I did it all by ear. If you have to be musically technical to explain something, please use small words. There are several things that I know are a little off with the mix: I haven’t balanced the volumes of all the instruments to my liking yet. This is all about panning, and what I want in the foreground and background of the mix. I’m also very unfamiliar with tips and tricks for how to make a soundfont sound really good. I want the soundfield to be fairly full, meaning I like to have a lot of instruments cooperating at one time, but I also don’t want to overpower the mix. I don’t think there’s enough variation between some of the melody and harmony parts, they’re too much alike in places. The cellos are too ‘ethereal’ for lack of a better word… I’d like to make them flow between notes better without dragging too long on one note, but listening to it it sounds like bringing the note delay down might do that. Also of note is that the last part of the WIP with the solo cello is pretty much raw, I don’t have a transition or accompaniment yet. Basically I’d like to use this mix to pinpoint things I can do to make me a better mixer and learn how to use Fruityloops better. Have at it. But please, be gentle with me. Thanks! Also, if the link doesn’t work/goes down, please let me know so I can pop it back up. You can download the mix [>>right here.<<]
  7. Seems to be fixed. If it doesn't work, try http://williammichael.net/aocc/. Worked for me.
  8. As long as I'm postwhoring, happy birthday!
  9. Wow, that was confusing as hell, I refreshed the forum topic and all of a sudden I'm in a posted mix review thread. I downloaded a mix as it was being posted. I may have the LAST official non-OC Remix version of this song! I feel so special! But yeah, 5 times through and it's still an amazing mix. I definitely wanna know how you manage to cram so many channels in there at once without overloading the sound field. We should talk, for I should enjoy being your padawan.
  10. Wow. That sounds amazing. Awesome mix! I assume you're using the TGSF 21X soundfont for at least the hammered dulcimer, and maybe the piano? Which begs the question, how the hell do you squeeze that kind of sound out of those fonts, cuz I'm using the same things, downloaded from you, and haven't been able to come close yet. I'm gonna post a wip soon that I'd love for you to listen to, cuz it's composed using all your fonts, so I'd really like a critique. Awesome work!
  11. What we have here is a bunch of sick fucks that got drunk, and somewhere in their tiny fucking brains, two synapses collided and decided it would be fun to beat an innocent 7 year old girl to death. I could give a shit what made those synapses collide. Maybe it was Mortal Kombat, maybe it was something else. THAT IS NOT THE POINT. An innocent child died because the people charged with caring for her were being fucking irresponsible. Your games will not disappear because of it. The world will not change. Tomorrow morning, no one will care. They should be caring about that child, and two people should ride the lightning, not because of whatever influenced what was going on in their drunk fucking skulls, but because they were charged with caring for a CHILD, and they KILLED her. THAT is the greatest fucking betrayal on this earth. Wingless is right. A child died. Who gives a fuck what Jack Thompson thinks about it?
  12. As far as missing a key in the forest temple, try the very beginning room, the one with two wolves in it. There's a key in a chest, up in the tree in that room. I miss it EVERY time I play the game, and end up stuck for 2 hours before I remember... Only reason I remember it now is because I just beat the game again a month ago. As far as what happens in those 7 years: Basically, you're supposed to put it together based on what happens in the game. Zelda and Impa go into hiding, and Impa trains her in the ways of the Sheika. She disguises herself as Sheik to hide from Ganondorf. Because of the death of the Deku Tree, the Kokiri forest slowly becomes infested by monsters. Ganondorf releases Volvagia from her prison in Death Mountain, and the Gorons are all taken prisoner because if their refusal to help Ganondorf. Darunia goes to save them. Zora's Domain is frozen over, and Lake Hylia evaporates because of it. The festering evil that Impa sealed below the well continues to writhe and squiggle and try to escape. Nabooru is captured by Kotake and Koume and forced into seven years of service as a guardsman for them. Meanwhile, Ganondorf fortifies the seals on his castle, slowly biding his time and waiting to conquer the world completely. That's what happens while you're frozen. Oh, and the fish get WAY bigger.
  13. Yeah.... I know that, you know that, but unfortunately it doesn't stop the rest of the universe of gaming from going nuts.
  14. I fully support this project, as long as Shael Riley does a remix of Christmas Shoes. Any chance to see Bob Carlisle get owned is fine with me, and Shael is just the man to take such a disgusting tearjerker and ruin it.
  15. I'm pretty certain I mentioned that many posts ago, actually. Blizzard had expressed a lot of interest in bringing their games to consoles, but let's be honest. They do PC games, and they are more or less the undisputed masters thereof. A merger with a company like Activision is perfect for them. Even though Blizzard isn't really the company merging. Vivendi is. But still. The reason the internet is exploding is this: There are 9 million people playing World of Warcraft. Now, some people just do not like that game, and I can understand that. But for those of us that do, WoW is really astoundingly close to a perfect gaming experience. We ask for something, and Blizzard almost always listens within a couple content patches. There's awesome new content being pushed ALL the time. So the idea of someone marching on Stormwind and ruining our gaming Utopia is rather disconcerting. I don't think that's going to happen, but I think concern over the remotest possibility is scaring the hell out of a lot of people.
  16. My five pesos: Blizzard has expressed extreme interest in breaking into the home console industry. Starcraft Ghost was supposed to do that, but it's become fairly clear that Blizzard's realm is the PC alone. Activision, on the other hand, flows casually between both markets. They are the perfect company to bring Blizzard's content to a console environment. What I hope to see here is two independent companies where one branch functions as a single company. In other words, Blizzard knows exactly what they're doing with their PC games, and I hope they keep activision a million miles away from any decision involving WoW or Starcraft or any other franchise they have on PC. Activision releases some amazing console games, and I hope Blizzard doesn't overstep their field of mastery and try to make World of Call of Duty or anything. In essence, I hope for a decent sized separate company where both sides are cooperating together to make new and different franchises available to console and PC. But my gut tells me what this merger is really for is mainly to bring Blizzard content to consoles, as evidenced by the fact that Vivendi holds the major share in the new company. WoW on 360 would be tantalizing indeed.
  17. It is a devastating thing to lose not only a great musician, but a young man in the prime of his life. My sincerest condolences to Reuben's family. I never met your son, but his spirit showed through his music, and we all shared a small part of him while he was here. Go with God, Reuben.
  18. I think we should get an address and send a letter. We really need to do something that allows the whole community to participate, even if it's only signing a card with your username/real name. Furthermore, i I think it would be awesome if we could have a cooperative effort between OC Remix, Anime Remix, VGMix, and any other place his music might have been posted. Just draft up a letter and we'll all put our names on it.
  19. Reuben is from Singapore... so the possibility is not as remote as I would like it to be.
  20. No, I have video players nailed. GOMPlayer is far and away the absolute pinnacle of video players as far as I'm concerned. I have never encountered a file it won't play. It opens FLV, raw AVI, even VOB and AC3 files right off a dvd, and if it ever DOES encounter a file it can't play, it will automatically take you to a page where you can download a codec for it. It has a mind boggling amount of options, and best of all, it's absolutely free. If you want a VIDEO player, GOMPlayer is the way to go.
  21. OK guys, I'm finally doing it. I've been using iTunes for 3 years. It's awesome, and close to perfect, but I'm tired of trying to wrangle smart playlists to do what I want. So I switched to Winamp a month ago. Winamp has its faults, but it also does some things I like. But the point is, in 7 years, I have never found an audio player that does everything I want. So I'm gonna see if you guys know of anything. Here's the crucial things I want it to do. 1. The option to organize your media library using the folder structure of the audio on your hard disc. I have all 4000 something songs meticulously organized and categorized in folders already. Why should I have to do it again in whatever media program I'm using. The other thing is, I have certain soundtracks that are MASSIVE rips from games, organized in fairly deep folder structures, and they need to stay that way to make sense. For example, I have a World of Warcraft soundtrack rip. The files themselves are not very well labeled, but the theme for Darnassus is in "WoW Rip>Old World>Cities>Darnassus>Darn01.mp3." It would just be a hell of a lot easier to maintain folder structure and make that easy to find than trying to manipulate ID3 tags and smart playlists. 2. Watch my media folders and automatically add new files I put in there. Winamp does this, which puts it a step above iTunes. I don't wanna have to go find files in that sea of audio and add them to my library. I wanna drop the file in a folder, and next time I open my media player, it's there. Do that shit for me. 3. Ability to set a DEFAULT for each playlist as to what columns will be shown and in what order. I don't wanna have to set up every damn one separately. It's silly. 4. A respect for the awesome and mind boggling organizational power of an ID3 tag. iTunes has this in spades. Problem with iTunes is you can tag every field in the file, but no matter how hard you try, you can't use the browser to filter files by anything but genre>artist>album. They're shooting themselves in the foot there. I REALLY do not think this is too much to ask from an audio player. Evidently it is though. There's a few plugins for Winamp that will get me really close to this, but they're extremely outdated. Also, keep in mind, I could not give a shit if this player plays videos, makes cookies, or feeds starving chinese children. I want an audio player and media library, and I want a good one. So there it is. This ultimate media player does not necessarily have to be free either. I want to know if it exists. Please tell me it does.
  22. First off, I want to say that I think Child's Play is an absolutely AMAZING charity... for certain people. I think it's wonderful for the terminally ill, for whom nothing can be done. But as a nurse, I fully endorse pushing money towards research and treatment. I would anyways, but since I've started training for pediatrics I say we saves teh childrens. In Norfolk, Virginia, there's a nonprofit children's hospital called Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters. I desperately hope to work there some day soon, but until then, the children there could greatly benefit from their people being able to conduct more research. Now, to business. Because I don't have the time or the money to hunt you down and fucking kill you, I will chock this statement up to an absolutely astonishing amount of ignorance. Medical research costs billions of dollars. BILLIONS. Most of the profit that is ever made is simply in the saving of a person's life. Medical advances are slow in coming because the VAST majority of organizations that are performing the research are nonprofit organizations, dependent on the donations of people who care to continue their research. Provided they get the money they need, which is rare, it's never as simple as finding a cure. You peel away on layer of mystery to find another 20 years of new questions underneath. Furthermore, saying medical research would go out of business completely ignores the fact that, for instance, IF we ever find a cure for breast cancer, we still have brain, chest, lung, bone, and roughly 70 other unique types of CANCER alone to address for the next several hundred years before we move on to anything else. In summation, you have proven yourself to be a complete fucking idiot. Have a nice night. No hospital ever allows outside objects of this type on a unit. Simply put, in hospitals, we have to control as many variables as possible to reduce spread of disease. For example, if someone were to donate a used NES cartridge. What if that person had the flu, coughed on their hand, then picked that cartridge up and handed it to someone in the hospital. That cartridge is carrying a flu virus, intentionally or not. You risk the nurses and doctors being infected, and worse, there are potentially kids on the unit in such an immunosuppressed state that a bout of flu would kill them. It sounds extreme, but that's precisely how most nosocomial infections (infections started in the hospital) get started. I'm not even allowed to bring my own disposable gloves on the unit where I'm training. So it's not a bullshit policy, but it is a regrettable one. Especially with things like stuffed animals this holds true. They hold diseases like you wouldn't believe. Now, I know a new game can get sneezed on as easily as an old one, but once again, it's just controlling as many variables as possible.
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