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Shadow Wolf

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Yeah, as long as you have a headphone connector with 2 bands on it, you're getting stereo, the size difference is nothing but a size difference.
  2. I know that now, UrbanDictionaryMan took care of it. You're stiiiill creepy.
  3. I started using 9.5 beta last night right before it started happening, and I thought that might be part of the issue. I reinstalled the stable version, and continued to have issues. Ironically, right now it's fine and not doing it anymore, so it seems to happen on and off, regardless of version. Hopefully it continues... not happening. Yeah.
  4. Hey, has anyone here ever had issues logging into the forums while using the Opera Browser? I can log in, but instead of taking me to the forums, it loops me back to the login screen instead. I did that about 4 times, then I finally just clicked the link for Community and I was logged in. The most major issue is that this happens when trying to access my user control panel, so I can't change any of my settings without hopping over to Firefox for a minute. Any ideas?
  5. Wow, this is like the end credits to some epic 1980's "Badass teen in ripped up jeans makes good, kills bad guys, and generally kicks epic ass" movies. Hot, steamy, distributed guitar that is awesome, electric piano that smells nice... and it's Ducktales. WIN. I'm gonna go watch me some DuckTales now, in fact. DVD FTW.
  6. You lost me at grudge fuck. I need UrbanDictionaryMan to save the day. BRB, new tab. OK, I'm back. You people are fuckin' creepy.
  7. The only problems I have with RKO Is that they have a bandwidth cap, for obvious reasons, and it isn't their fault. But also, for example, if I sort the mixes by rating to make sure I get all the outstanding mixes first, I hit that cap eventually, go back the next day, and the top rated mixes might have changed. When I'm downloading them 50 at a time, how do I make sure I'm not getting the same mixes over again?
  8. LOL, I have music from hundreds of games I've never played. I have, in fact, bought games before simply based on how awesome their soundtrack was. Not that there's necessarily a correlation between awesome music and equally awesome games, but at least you know that even if the game sucks, the music still owns.
  9. Happy birthday, o dude who introduced me to the joys of KWED!
  10. Hey, I has a quick question about how stuff is posted over on KWED. Thanks to F4T4L, I now know that anything over there with an orange smiley is pure musical gold, so I have a bunch of songs from KWED now. The only issue is I don't see anywhere in their song listing what games the songs come from. Granted I know jack shit about C64 games, so I probably wouldn't recognize a C64 title even if it was there. Anyhow, can anybody help me?
  11. Gratz, you leveled! Now go grind some honor.
  12. Actually I think that would make his spawn the Grandchildren of the Monkey Machine. Either way, congratulations!
  13. If my friend's friends only knew the ways I have misused that picture of their child, they'd never come within 50 miles of a Facebook photo album again. Happy birthday Jill!
  14. My uneducated guess would be that that happens because the sidebars are part of a different CSS module than the part of the main page that goes dark.
  15. Probably the most important thing to remember about cleaning discs is: 1. Never use a rough cloth or paper towel. A silk lens cleaning cloth, which is usually included in the eyeglass maintenance and repair kits you can buy at Wal-Mart for 5 dollars, is one of the best things you can use. Plus, it's reusable. 2. Never clean a disc in a circular motion. Always wipe it from the center outwards, rotating the disc for each new area you want to clean. 3. If the disc has deep scratches that are making it unplayable, you can buy mild abrasives to try to buff it out of the disc surface. Hope that helps!
  16. The difference would be that EA and 2K are direct competitors for the exact same type of franchise. It wouldn't make any sense whatsoever for EA to buy a company and then continue to allow them to release games that would compete with the Madden franchise. So at the most what you might see is 2K being bought by EA and then put to work on the Madden games. With the SimCity series EA wasn't offering anything like that, so it was best for them to simply let Maxis go for it and continue to develop the games as they already would have, because it simply gave a better result.
  17. I readily acknowledge that I stay 50 feet away from any sports-related game, but there's every Medal of Honor game I've played... you shoot a guy in the chest and he grabs his foot? Crosslink the animations and the collision detection next time please. There's a number of the James bond games... The Lord of the Rings games... all of them just felt choppy and badly executed. It's not that they're downright horrible to the point of unplayability, but they lack a quality that shouldn't be that hard to attain for a company the size of EA. Now, I have seen some excellent games from companies owned by EA, like Maxis. I loves me some SimCity 4. But those are (or at least were at the time of release) largely separate companies under EA's umbrella.
  18. That would help, because last time I checked you were a Midway employee. Now I won't have to work off assumptions. Using my newfound source of objective data, riddle me this: Why do so many of EA's games suck? Why aren't you their highest paid inhouse composer?
  19. Wow. There was more truth in that video than like... like... it was all true. Egoraptor is also a user here, but he only has 9 posts. Ever. Since 2004. So.... in the event that you're a.) alive b.) not somebody else knocking off on his name cuz you liked MGA c.) going to check this thread because it referenced your work d.) all of the above Then e.)
  20. Thanks. I even skimmed the newspost to see if it said anything. Oh well.
  21. Is there any chance of a torrent file containing all these vids? Since they're all public domain fan videos anyhow? It would be deliciously nice.
  22. As I said above, I don't MIND if a company wants to have a monopoly. That's completely beside the point, because EA is nowhere close to having a monopoly on the games industry. My beef with EA is that they are far and away the largest game development house in existence, but they produce a consistent string of low quality games. They give you the least product they have to to get your wallet open. Honestly, I can't blame them from a pure business standpoint, even if the tactic is lowbrow and morally bankrupt. Now, they GET AWAY with it because people buy them anyways (myself not included) which is where I would imagine Wingless is taking his line of questioning. Until the consumers boycott the living crap out of EA and hit them in the wallet, refusing to buy badly produced games, it's not going to change. Which means, it's not going to change. The problem is that we want to see juggernaut companies like EA spontaneously take responsibility and produce better games, but they simply won't do that without a LARGE incentive. The fact of the matter is, most if not all game developers, animation studios, etc, are not doing this for the art. They're doing it because it's a cash cow. I got out of animation school because I realized that if I couldn't push 60 to 70 hour weeks to be the best of the best at whatever company, I would be pushed to the side in favor of someone who could. Top to bottom, the companies do what makes them the most money. It's harsh, and it's capitalism. So I can't blame them. Bottom line though: If you really want EA to make better games, it would take MILLIONS of people refusing to buy their products on ANY system before they looked twice.
  23. I gotta go with the status quo on this one. Now, I have no problem with a high quality company going ahead and creating a monopoly over.... whatever. But the idea of EA, whose in house games usually look to me like some half-assed crap that went through a five week development cycle before being pissed onto the nearest bestselling console? No. No, no, and again, NO. Not that it will ever actually HAPPEN, because capitalism in and of itself dictates that a competitor with a higher quality product, even if it's available in lesser quantities, will eventually win out. But the idea of a universal console from EA is laughable, because what it really means is "Damn, it costs us a lot of money to release each game on the PS3, 360, Wii, PS2, XBox, Gamecube, PSX, N64, SNES, Genesis, NES, Megadrive, DS, GBA, GBC, Gameboy, and Atari! It'd be nice if we could piss our stuff onto just one BIG system to save ourselves some money!"
  24. I thought Tommy already had submitted a mix. Or was that Jeremy Soule? Tommy loves us. He should give us teh mixysecks.
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