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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Just curious... does Megaman Command Mission count? I don't recall if the 8 bosses had unique stage music though. The game is in the X universe even though its an RPG version. Are Wild Jango, Silver Horn, Mad Nautilus, Mach Jentra, Incentas, Depth Dragoon, Rafflesian and Ninetails acceptable choices? My guess is no but wanted to see if it could give people more options. Personally the music from the SNES X games appeals to me more. Thoughts?

    Nevermind, I actually read the first page lol. Please disregard.

    Yeah, I've always been a bit sad that side games aren't allowed for these compos. There are no words to describe how much I wanted to choose Mercury from Mega Man V for the Wily compo.

  2. Well, don't know where else to post this, but I magically seem to have acquired a 75% off Portal 2 coupon in my Steam inventory. I already own it, so I'm not going to use it and it's only good through August 30th.

    Any takers?

    I'd take it if you don't want anything of value in return.

  3. Man, I really do want to participate in this but I have NO clues about X's music. Just the original Mega Mans and that's about it.

    I'll download a lot of chipamp stuff tonight and go through them. Hopefully there are some more chillax or minimalistic themes to choose from, those are always fun to mix. : D

    Frost Walrus. from X4. Do it.

  4. lol I hear ya, I've been playing wayyy too much Xbox lately my self! I play Battlefield 3 relentlessly, I have 700 hours in that game. My free time is going to take a big hit soon however, go back school full time in 3 weeks + part time job. We'll see how many PRC's I get around to then heh

    I agreed to collab with Zerothemaster this round, but is not looking too fruitful.. Might still be able to submit something tho

    something small

    I've been more busy this week than anticipated, sorry sg bro

  5. I haven't played the game recently so I can't give a good reading on whether or not you'd still enjoy it given the state of audia/visual fidelity and RPGs in general this gen. Just don't go in with crazy expectations and you'll probably be fine.

    The game wasn't a forward-thinking masterpiece. It just happened to be just what the genre needed at that specific time in gaming.

    I've never let audio-visual fidelity stop me from liking something :D

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