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Posts posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Darke; is there any specific site that you got your badge pics from? Obviously Google image search is the most obvious, but I just wondered if there was a specific place you got official artwork from?

    I dunno about Darke, but here's my spots... for sprites, I usually go to Sprites Inc, they usually have whatever I need. Also, The Mega Man Network has a huge gallery of basically every official (actually official :P) piece of art from the MM series.



  2. I think I got a decent arrangement on my mind. I'm on the progress of writing it right now!

    Since WillRock 'rocked' Infinity Mijinion with his 80's rock track from Maverick Rising, I tried to take the song to a different style. Hope it works...

    I'm finished with the writing... just need to polish it up.


  3. I really like the badges, Darke! Nice and saturated just within the boundaries of good taste;D Only thing that puzzles me is the choice of artwork for Nana, since that's actually fanart-that-looks-like-official-art. It's close enough, but for the sake of consistency - with the badges at least - I figured you'd prefer all official images.

    Well, it's the pic that is shown on the Nana article in the Knowledge Base. http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Nana

    I think he just stylized it and saturated it.

  4. I found a site with downloadable mp3s of all the Mega Man X series tunes...



    I would srsly recommend you go there and read through the list of maverick robots for some serious lulz. For example:






    The hilarity goes on for quite some time. Life without Engrish wouldn't be worth riving.

    That site has been awesome forever. I've downloaded all the mega man soundtracks from there.

  5. Oh, are we changing our avatars to fit? Sweet. One second, I need to take care of something...

    Scrooge, I love you...but I'm going to have to let you go for a while. Shh-sh-sh, don't cry. It's only for a little while. Sting Chameleon and I have to do our thing and make music so beautiful, it'll make Wily cry (once I finally get my studio settled, which will hopefully be before I get matched). So you see, it's for the best. Once we are reunited, we will both have grown and our relationship can be taken to the next level.

    Until then, adieu my sweet Scrooge McDuck.

    Yours forever,

    Theory of N

    I'm sticking with Flame Stag because screw doing what everyone else does.

  6. I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but I'll happily spread the word.

    I've found some recent fresh YouTube addictions: JonTron, Peanutbuttergamer, and The Completionist.

    The last put up a new video this morning, the first of a new series called Here Comes A New Challenger.

    He plays a music-based shooter called Symphony, which looks rather cool.

    The most interesting part: the music he chose was all from OverClocked ReMix, and he was happy to promote.

    He has excellent taste. See for yourselves.

    The guys at NormalBoots put out some of the best stuff on the internet. Seriously. Continue? is a good show as well.



  7. I've been following these guys since they started, also check out the original abridger known as little kuriboh who started the whole abridge an anime series thing with his series of yu-gi-oh abridged


    i would link his youtube channel but its been taken down for copyright for like the 6th time.

    (sidenote little kuriboh voices freiza in the second season of tfs dbza)

    http://www.youtube.com/user/CardGamesFTW/videos The first 54 episodes are here.

    http://www.youtube.com/user/obeymyrod?feature=results_main episode 55 is here as well as a series of Marik playing some vampire game i've never heard of (which is hilarious btw)

  8. So here's this... I'm a bit behind with this mix for Mirby's Cid tribute album, but it's of the battle theme from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, since Cid doesn't have a theme in that game.

    Also, this is a terrible source, since the time goes from 4/4 to 5/4 to 6/4. It is something similar to the source, but it's all changed to 4/4 time, so the actual note lengths are very different... but mirbz doesn't seem to mind, so I'm not worried atm about that.

    Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POIGyQLaIfI (mostly just the intro and the first 12-16~ measures of the verse thing.

    Mix: http://soundcloud.com/zerothemaster/admirable-lack-of-waffles-wip

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