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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. Well, we thought it was in development, but today we finally get confirmation. A Portugal magazine (weird huh?) has info on it. NEOGAF has a thread and I will link you there.... http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=148757 I think this deserves its own thread seeing this was like the game for Saturn. I never got a chance to play it so I hope the original gets on VC or something.
  2. TOSE is still better than Ubisoft. And I would think that TOSE will be working more on the DS version. What? The game wasn't good because of the development. That's what I meant. A game that has Japan with swords and guns can still be a good game. It depends on who makes it.
  3. Red Steel was also a rush job and it wasnt that bad anyways. And Ubisoft didn't have an allstar team of Sega and (mostly) Nintendo making the game. Ubisoft is also looking retarded with their crappy ports on the Wii. It's really weird seeing EA put the most effort into the system.
  4. SSB is like the definition of pure fun. The game is timeless and the franchise will live on to be a classic. Just for fun my friend and I popped in the original just to see it in action again. It was freaking fun. SSBM is also freaking fun. I have no doubt that SSBB will be just as fun. I hope in SSBB they bring back the character specific introductions again. Seeing Samus walk out of a save pod, or pikachu flying out of a pokeball was freaking awesome.
  5. If this game adds the depth that wii sports was missing, I will be all over this game. Olympics are made up of many events. I just hope Sega doesn't screw it up, but I doubt Nintendo would let Sega ruin Mario. Wii sports was lacking in a lot of departments and if this game just improves on wii sports, this game will be freaking awesome. Also I heard the old SEGA developed Olympic games are really fun and are just good games overall, so there is hope that sega won't kill this thing.
  6. Pretty much axle. I don't get the hate for a game that has not even shown anything yet. All I know is, Miyamoto supervising the thing and actually is in charge of the direction of the game means that this game will be above average. Reports even have it that Miyamoto is having a bigger role in the development of this game than any other game he usually supervises in. Seriously, wtf is with the lol wii sux i shuld not buy it. But whatever. I just hope the game will be pretty fun. I mean this is pretty big news. SONIC AND MARIO in the same game. Hopefully this is the start of a wonderful relationship. Maybe Nintendo will get to use Sonic in their games and create a Mario and Sonic platforming game (which would be too awesome).
  7. They are adding more stuff. That retarded box on the bottem now goes away. Zooming is awesomer and you can go to the url without going back home. http://wii.com/jp/articles/internet-channel/story.html
  8. LOL, the source is SPONG, one of the worst gaming sites ever. It makes up so many fake rumors that everybody on gaming forums just discredit whatever they say.
  9. Thats why I think PS3 won't keep most of it's "exclusives". It already lost VF5 and now DMC4. Even Ace Combat, a game that was on the PS2 won't get a ps3 version, or so I've read so far. PS3 is just selling way too low (127k last month in US;way low compared to XBOX and WII) for any developer to consider an exclusive for the system. Factor in the huge amount of money needed to make an HD game, and you get developer and publishers who don't want to risk losing money by keeping a game exclusive.
  10. So did mostly everybody, but confirmation is always good. Now if MGS4 will move onto the 360 I will not have to buy a super expensive console.
  11. Reason to get PS3 fading... http://ir.capcom.co.jp/english/news/html/e070320.html
  12. I really don't care about friendcodes that much. I know it sucks, but that's such a small thing compared other stuff. I know people hate it, I don't really like them, but they aren't that big of a deal to me. I know I'm like a minority though. But whatever. What ever happens happens. We all know Nintendo isn't going to provide super awesome online play anyways. As long as it works and I can play with friends, then that's good.
  13. The thing says nothing about friend codes. Friend lists could just be that, you upload which ever friends you have in your address into the list. I hope thats what it is, but everybody is blowing the "interview" out of proportion. I heard the guy that did that interview said the freaking wii was going to have an VR helment and some other crap. Also made up some other junk about star wars for wii at E3 which was never there.
  14. I think he's just saying that game companies are businesses, and at the end of the day everybody wants to make money. Clover's games were pretty much "bomb"s, they barely sold that well, I think Viewtiful Joe was their highest selling game. Clover wanted to focus more on art before just making a game, or something like that. That's most likely why he "blasted" Clover. They used a lot of money, but barely made any in return. Games are businesses.
  15. Elebits is one of my favorite Wii games. It's really fun, but the slowdowns get a little annoying. I still want to get some of the extra's like vacuum always on and Homing beam always on. I hope Konami does make a second one with improvements. The guy in charge of the game has expressed interest in making a new one. I also hope Dewy is awesome.
  16. Not really. Q2 usually sucks, but Super Paper Mario and Mario Party 8 should be enough for 3 months. Mario Party 8 will be the first Mario Party game I own. The game just looks fun with the new wii stuff and it wont be button mashing mini games and stuff now.
  17. You guys haven't been following super paper mario? The game is going to be amazing. Intellegent Systems is like one of the best dev teams at nintendo.
  18. WHO'S RAGGING IN IT? SUPER PAPER MARIO COMES OUT Q2. that alone is enough to make it awesome. MP8 is also coming out in May.
  19. I pre ordered diamond. Next month is Super Paper Mario and Pokemon month for me.
  20. Guess what? He probably doesn't care what you want.
  21. yay atlus is bringing Luminous Arc here!
  22. New No More Heroes video. http://gamevideos.com/video/id/9807
  23. Miyamoto talked about a popularity one today. Something about putting mii's against each other and stuff. Could be interesting.
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