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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. K... I just watched the gameplay video.... OMFG it runs just as smooth as SC did and it just looks stunning, I will be needing a new PC now. http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayerOut.swf?vid=LF3HB0Gdoxw$ good luck, maybe this one will work better because i actually saw it. youtube one. watch now guys. I stole everything from neogaf. those guys there work fast.
  2. fmv on youtube, actually works.
  3. Bahamut, aren't you korean? isn't it in your blood to love it??? jk. go sc2!!!!!
  4. http://tvpot.daum.net/theme/ThemeView.do?themeid=122&lu=m_mono_1 FMV there... good luck with the downloading though, the site is getting hammered i bet.
  5. Ofmg Ign Has A Live Blog Of Wwi Right Now Dude Is Playing Sc2 In Front Of All The Koreans! 3:07 - Showing gameplay footage - Looks like protoss ships - floating over asteroid/ base structure - entering protoss ase - similar looking buildings - vespene gas still in the game - character pane shows up on right side - some protoss guy - shifts to terran bases floating on rockets over same type of territory - sill collecting crystals as resources - marines load out. Dustin is actually playing the game - nothing in the game is final.
  6. Is etrian odyessy out yet? I need to get that game.
  7. I knew SE wasn't going to show the FFCC:CB trailer Oh well, According to IGN MP3 news next week. And if the Brawl Countdown means anything, I think it's a bunch of Nintendo news next week. COME ON!!!
  8. I'll be happy with another trailer, which is what I think we are getting.
  9. Etrian Odyessy is next week right? I'm happy I have a job now and can pay for my own games
  10. I can't wait to see FF:CC. I hope the SE Party this weekend has trailers and stuff WE get to see. I think the Jump Festa FFXIII trailer still hasn't been shown to the public.
  11. The article on time.com sucks. The fatality guy just talks about how he is a pro gamer.
  12. I like my grotle so far. My main guys are level 21 and they aren't that good. My staravia did solo the second gym though.
  13. I'd say when it learns bite it becomes something. I finally got spark for it and it's pretty good. Also, I caught a pachirisu and am training it for fun. So far it's pretty good.
  14. well, I already traded with Drack and Spleen, and nothing happened.
  15. Shinx and Starly look like they are the only worthwhile ones to catch for a while. Those are the only guys I use right now.
  16. My older bro got the game too so right now we are just being cheap and hoarding the originals. So far my Turtwig is only level 9 and my Starly is level 8, awesome game.
  17. Just do it. Pokemon is big enough for its own thread.
  18. Nobody wants to be a breeder? I think we should make a collective effort and have someone force the pokemons to have babies for us.
  19. I AM ERROR Fracktail was pretty awesome. Just wait until you get to world 3-4. 4-4 boss battle is really cool too.
  20. Is anybody going to breed all the start pokemans? If any of you guys could, that would be awesome because I want the orginals
  21. That was like the best part of the game. It was so freaking awesome. I think when I beat the game I will get to 3-4 again just to see that part again.
  22. If SE wants to make money off FFXIII, they're going to have to make it multiplatform, unless Sony pays the difference. The PS3 and 360 having FFXIII would make a lot of sense financially for SE.
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