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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. I'll just leave this right here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHsWZp5pWCo#
  2. More fun stuff http://bashandslash.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=787&Itemid=111 modder makes ac130 killstreak mod for cod4, mw2 has same killstreak, dude jokes with modder tells him to tell youtube that iw2 was stealing, ac130 mw2 video gets pulled.
  3. Wanted to bump this thread for this lovely quote, it came from some Q and A thing they did. Mouse Control now a feature confirmed. Here's a graph that shows some good info only thing that is iffy is the ping, but from the Q and A they said they played with 100ping average...
  4. Cheating will not be down at all. No kick/ban, they're using vac. Cheating will either go up or stay the same.
  5. The pr bs that iw want people to think is not a good response. Taking modders out is not a positive. Saying that the p2p will cut out cheaters/hackers is false. I've read stuff about vac. They usually take a while to act, and even when they do, they block the hack/cheat not the player. So since there is not an admin, hackers will have an easier time griefing and whatever. peer 2 peer is not a solution. again there will be lag, check out kill cams, there's usually lag on console games, when I played it on the pc there was no lag. Host advantage is another thing. Also with the news I canceled my pre-order. There are better games more deserving of my money that treat the pc better than iw. There is simply no positive from taking out dedicated servers completely. also more stuff. I have read what IWnet is going to be all about and whatever. There will be friend lists, there will be "clans" still, there is going to be a thing called party where you move from room to room together. So people saying this will help cut off stacked teams will again be wrong. If teams were too outmatched, there was always a scramble team option in games with dedicated servers. Now you see a stacked team? too bad for you, either quit game or deal with it.
  6. And the dude telling me to get a ps3... shut the fuck up, i have one. I use it to play games like Demon's Souls, you know, stuff that makes the system worthwhile, not FPS's. I play fps on pc because mouse and keyboard completely destroys dual analog. Do you guys have no standards? This is a company screwing the fanbase that they released their original game on. There is no positive outcome for taking away dedicated server and activision and inifinity ward will do nothing to make it as good of an experience. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PETITION. I DIDN'T SIGN IT, I DON'T CARE FOR IT, I KNOW THEY DON'T WORK. I NEVER ONCE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT A PETITION. THIS IS ABOUT ACTIVISION AND INFINITY WARD. THIS IS ABOUT A COMPANY THAT DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE 2MILLION PLUS THAT BOUGHT COD4. I get it, 2 out of the 14 million that bought cod4 doesn't seem like much, but to completely try to take away the staple of online pc gaming especially for fps's doesn't do anything for the community. Let's take TF2 as an example. You like ocr guys, so you hop on the ocr server. You know that when you get on that server the regular guys you play with will be on there. You guys have a bond, joke around, bring up stuff from the forums, maybe even talk about the music. You like playing custom maps with player limit raised, you like goofing off, you go play on 2fort2furious. in MW2 you don't get to experience any of that. You will play with random people and you will not be able to form a bond, or anything unless you add him, he adds you and you decide to play together sometimes. It's not the same. They are taking everything that people love about PC gaming and trying to turn it into a console watered down experience.
  7. What are you talking about? Gamers set up and supported their own dedicated servers, this has nothing to do with bandwidth.
  8. You guys aren't presenting anything either. Just saying stuff like "oh maybe it will be good", guess what, the original solution was already the best. your example of the 15 people that don't have a server nearby doesn't hold up. If you look on any forum, there are australians and europeans complaining how this screws them over even more. Matchmaking will "find the lowest ping" but if there aren't enough of them playing they will get thrown into a game in america and have 500+ ping. I have nothing against matchmaking, they say they want to streamline the game for casual players, well... BF2 had a button that threw you into the nearest server with low ping and no mods AND THAT GAME HAD DEDICATED SERVERS!!! There is no reason to take dedicated servers out other than wanting complete control and more money by forcing you to buy DLC. Oh yeah, there's going to be more hackers than before because there will be no server admins now. You can't kick/ban anybody anymore and you have to wait until VAC acts.
  9. oh yeah another thing baha, i don't think you've ever played with neogaf pc people, at least not the ones I played with, not douches at all
  10. I'm not arguing anything, i'm just stating stuff
  11. wtf you can't just hack dedicated servers in the game, are you retarded?
  12. The big FU to modders is another thing. Pretty much every decent game mode that ever came out was because of mods. Counterstrike, the biggest fps ever was a mod. Mod's also help keep the game fresh. The only way to keep the game fresh now is through forced DLC.
  13. goddam do people here play pc games at all? you guys are idiots if you think this is about change. p2p is not a solution to mulitplayer gaming especially when there are more than 10 people playing. I've played cod on consoles. There is lag in every match. I've played cod on pc, there is no lag on a dedicated server that is located near you, which is where people generally play.
  14. You don't take out a staple of pc gaming. I play casually on games that use server browsers and dedicated servers and guess what? people are nice. If one place sucks you go to another, thats the beauty of it. Custom maps, mods, and whatever are all that make pc gaming awesome. They are taking all of that out and saying, guess what if you want to play you have to play our way. This is not about petitions, this is about how activision and infinity ward are screwing people over. They are charging 60 bucks for a game with less than stellar graphics compared to other pc games that sell for 40-50. They are charging 10 more dollars to make the PC COMMUNITY play a CONSOLE LIKE STRUCTURE. MAKES NO SENSE Nothing is going to come out from this. They are going to sell less than cod4, they are going to blame it on pirates, and then not release another cod game on pc. They used to be pc developers, now they couldn't care less about the platform. I bet this is just some stupid thing to justify not making the next cod on pc.
  15. So I'm sure you guys have heard about the no dedicated server debacle about MW2 well, they don't care at all about PC gamers pretty much. If you haven't heard anything about it read this first: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=25691 This is their response and the added bonus of the oh so awesome games journalism of game informer http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2009/10/20/modern-warfare-2-dedicated-server-response.aspx Just read the article.
  16. WUT? With sidebar gone I DEMAND UNMOD TO BE BACK.
  17. some dude at neogaf made a huge wallpaper for it http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=17897129&postcount=1212
  18. I'm pretty sure Zero's right, I remember seeing green hair chick and pink hair chick in chobits, wtf is dears
  19. is this a omg check how smart i am , lemme get an e-erection by saying how smart i am thread?
  20. Got muramasa today,but haven't had a chance to play. I hope I find it more enjoyable than Odin Sphere.
  21. Before booking - PS3 is the day of his slim. 1, I am right, one by one, one two three, I think I get a two-hour delay.
  22. However, these two solutions, the books one by one one one two three one one one one two two-book 2 of 2 of the dam following three one thumb just under two separate single one of two to prepare. I can advertise.
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