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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. Only the demoman has grenades. They explain why in the commentary, but I forgot what they said.
  2. Do it douli. I don't like FPS's that much, or online ones, but tf2 is just so fun.
  3. SIN AND PUNISHMENT TODAY!!! MARIO 2(JP) TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Fojfogjofmogmofmgomfgomfomgomfg http://press.nintendo.com/articles.jsp?id=13567
  4. I really like Heavy, so fun with a Medic next to you. Spy is pretty awesome too. I have no idea how to use a Demoman though, but they seem pretty good.
  5. Why is there no thread for this amazing game? Any of you guys have the Beta on Steam yet?
  6. I think Zelda's out in like two weeks...
  7. Yup, Odin Sphere was too boring after like the first hour or so. Hopefully this game keeps things fresh.
  8. Hot stuff coming your way http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3163146 The vanillaware game for Wii has a trailer! Looks amazing.
  9. Never played Bangai-O before. From what I've read, it's been on the N64 and Dreamcast. I think it has a cult following or something. Anyways, it's coming out on DS trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDbdllvdvfw That video makes me want this game badly.
  10. I guess I should give more info on that game. I don't know how to explain it so I'll just steal text from IGN.
  11. I have no idea if any of you guys follow game announcements as much as I do, but Project O AKA King Story finally has a trailer. This is one of my most anticipated games watch it here http://media.wii.ign.com/media/892/892457/vids_1.html
  12. Tales of Innocence looks amazing. I think it looks better than FFIV
  13. It seems a bunch of sites like Kotaku and Joystiq take info from neogaf. Good forum to read for info. And awesome title steben. I still don't know what Mario says when he throws bowser, but it sure sounds like So long gay bowser. And the U R MR GAY thing is pretty weird. Don't get why they put sparkles on it, but whatever, boxart still looks cool. Also on the thread in neogaf, there a bunch of other crap on the title that people pointed out. YOu can't unsee them once you see them.
  14. YES,NO MORE HEROES IS COMING OUT HERE IN FEBRUARY!!! http://wii.ign.com/articles/821/821117p1.html
  15. Will, this has officially passed SMG as my most wanted game of this year.
  16. Downloaded, but why does the Torrent contain both MP3s and WAVs? I don't get it. For those who don't have utorrent or ones where you can choose what you can download thats kinda weird. I really don't see a point in downloading both wavs and mp3s.
  17. Flower Metal Fire Mega Angle melee will be fun --Jack Kieser.
  18. Noob, you have to use morph ball and boost ball into people. I killed bigfoot like 10 times doing it.
  19. NO way! TURTLES are my favorite animals.
  20. there is a reason why he is on my ignore list. Now stop quoting him.
  21. I was kidding, but wtf? 2 weeks? Some people go to school and have work and can't play all the time... Not fair to those guys.
  22. Nice spoilers. omfg gosh wtf is your problem
  23. That was already implemented in Elebits.... I'm pretty sure Nintendo gave them the code to do that.
  24. Yes, Dark World theme is there. This game is going to be so awesome. And DELFINO ISLE SONG!!! I can't wait for this game anymore.
  25. Seriously guys. FPS's are different. Just because you are in first person and you shoot things doesn't mean its the point of the genre. Metroid Prime is as FPS as Super Metroid is a side scrolling shooter like Contra. In Metroid you spend time finding upgrades and exploring places. I can't really say I had to backtrack in Halo and find upgrades to progress further into the game. Lets look at the difference between Metroid which is not an FPS and Halo which is.... Metroid: You start with minimal abilities, your gun sucks and you have to explore a world in able to continue. Halo: You go around and kill stuff until you reach the end of the particular map with the gun you start out with, or any gun you pick up from someone you killed which is something you can't do in Metroid. Metroid: Puzzles and morphball puzzles, stuff I never really did in an FPS. Halo: uhh warthogs, and other vehicles which help you kill things in the level.
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