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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. EEX... who wrote the script for this game? It's a comedy goldmine! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=206005 The neogaf thread talking about this game. It's pretty hilarious.
  2. Awesome update. The japanese commercials with the Fire Emblem song are 100% cheese with live actors to boot! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAJhN5n9nBE
  3. I've spoiled the cameos for myself already, lets just say you don't really see anybody...
  4. Such and awesome ending... I don't know if I'll like Apollo Justice as much as Phoenix Wright. I'm going to miss the old crew
  5. Godot is so freaking awesome. I see why so many people liked him before this game came out.
  6. Just started the 5th case... SO awesome. I can't wait to find out what happens.
  7. I just beat the 3rd case last night. That one was pretty awesome. It felt so right getting Xin Eohp
  8. Capcom's mistake was making it look "kiddy" even though I don't care. I loved the cel-shaded look of this game. I just got to the fishing part because I've been playing PW3.
  9. can't find zack and wiki anywhere.
  10. Anybody else picking up Zack & Wiki tomorrow? 40 dollars for a new game is awesome. And the game looks awesome too. Love puzzle/point and click games. I'm gonna get PW and ZW tomorrow. I still need to beat MP3 too... freaking tf2.
  11. Ike's looks so awesome. I can't wait for this game. Even though Ike is slow, I think I'm going to use him the most just because he was my favorite character in FE:POR.
  12. Fixed If you are going to quote the best song ever please quote it right.
  13. I sawed u on a screenie on the neogaf forums.
  14. Was reading some stuff on smashbros and people are calling sakurai retarded, wish he was dead, and a bunch of other crap. gosh people are retarded.
  15. Haven't seen this game in a while. Cool that they found a publisher.
  16. What's everybodies steam name? mine is joefu12 add me!!! More people need to play this game. It is so awesome.
  17. I think I have one or two left to get. Been putting off MP3 because I just keep playing Team Fortress 2.
  18. They don't charge you. Just make a free account...
  19. HYPER BUMP I have no idea if this has been posted yet but http://mdb.classicgaming.gamespy.com/?g=mp3&p=music There's a rip of the soundtrack on that site. Also, Rundas' song is awesome.
  20. Such an awesome game. I love the voice of the turrets. Ending song is like the best song ever. Companion Cube <3 ftw!!!!
  21. I really want to buy it, but I have a pretty big DS backlog.
  22. For the guys whining... have you even played it yet? Medics are fun, I have no idea how they once were, but that was like 9 years ago. They are fun to use just because you are right in the line of fire and making sure your soldier/pyro/heavy is able to break through the defence with your ubercharge and otehr stuff. And you can still kill people with medics, his bonesaw is rediculous, like 2 hits will kill someone if you sneak up behind them. Also shooting syringes can kill too. But medics are there for what they need to do, heal.
  23. Oh well, 12 is cheaper than importing the game still. Only like a 1/4 of the price.
  24. Don't think so. I've never played TFC, so I have no idea those existed, but I don't see how having no grenades can take away enjoyment from such an awesome game.
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