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Everything posted by StreetFlare

  1. As I do when I want to hear a song already remixed on here in a new style, in order to fit my lack-of-time, I request it XD. Anyway, I'm interested in seeing if Sonic the Hedgehog's Azure Lake Zone theme suits well with a punk rock sound, with or without lyrics (although lyrics would be nice) Source:
  2. I've said it on Facebook, I'll say it here - in the world of music, you're one of my heroes, and songs like Chivalry Begins and Nova Siberia are in my favorite remixes. Of all time. That's how much I love your music. Happy birthday, BGC, and here's hoping that we get to hear more of your unique and beautiful music in the years to come! XD
  3. Well, start sending out feelers. I'm certain, get the right people on side on here, and you'll be able to start to bring in the big names on this one.
  4. Defiantly time to finish my triad of Team Rocket Remix Requests. Final track is listed on YouTube as "Team Rocket Tower Takeover", but I'm not sure what the title for it is in the Pokemon Gold listing. No genre request, not like anyone else on here has touched it. Go nuts. Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySYV7_fLER0
  5. See, this is why I love Melbourne. Most of the cons out here are exactly the way you guys talk about them, but no Fifty Shades of Gray, no/very little Twilight, one of the largest non-US legions of the 501st...a Mandalorian legion....etc. I've only ever gone to one con, Supernova, and there I got two posters signed by Joel from Rooster Teeth. Guess what? He signed one twice, once as himself and once as Caboose. XD Honestly, we don't get much out here. Manifest in August, Armageddon in October/November, and Supernova in April. Comicon was here a few weeks ago, but it shifts every year.
  6. ...as an administrator/bureaucrat on a rather active fanfiction wiki, and a regular MMO player, I disagree with the statement that DJP put forward. It's all about the amount of time and money you are willing to invest in the game in question. Granted, I'm not the sole and primary admin on the wiki in question, there's three of us, although as the longest-active, I get the big decisions, and this is in comparison to DJP, the founder of a site of a similar magnitude. (the wiki has ...well, nine thousand and eight hundred pages between roughly two hundred active users. Not comparing it to here, I'm jus' sayin.) Hence why I only really play MMOs when school allows, not having a job and all... Anywho, onto the mix! I love it. It's the sort of music you can work/write/play to, without once really being distracted by the outside world. As I listen, I don't even think I'm truly paying attention, I'm just feeling and experiencing the world he's created through music.
  7. I'm familiar with the English version of Sweet Dreams, but I'm more familiar with the 2006 Akon mix. I can't remember WHERE I found it, but all I know is that it's awesome.
  8. ....as an eleven year old who only played piano? I think it is rather strange, but maybe that's just me.
  9. Back in primary school, around 2005, when the only thing I could write was lyrics, I came up with some mournful thing about how my crush/best friend (same person, it was a girl) moved away without telling me. Two days later, a girl I knew asked if I could write a song about her. No money, no nothing, just a song about her. I was about eleven, so meh, I said whatever. Now I've written all of ONE song to completion, and guess what? Not about her. It does rounds on Facebook from me, plus it was part of a documentary on Aspergers Syndrome I was part of as a person involved, but no, it wasn't the mournful thing...still sad, but a new song.
  10. It's a gray area. Most VG companies actually like the attention, but in the off chance that they do take offense, not like they can do much. It's rare for any company to file a legal suite against people for piracy, so this is completely fine.
  11. Well, you did me two massive favors - releasing Chivalry Begins on here for us to hear, and then replying to my Facebook message on the similar topic, so I'm defiantly helping here, just a stone towards paying for my debt.
  12. Ok, I lied. I got impatient, and, well, this is a completely new request. Not tied to the '80s Rock Vocal Team Rocket Hideout Red remix request. Nah, I like the G/S/C version, which hasn't gotten ANY love. Isn't that tragic? I'm here requesting love for Pokemon Gold's Team Rocket Hideout. Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2vfnfmKrPc
  13. My sister and I are Australia-based, and so we can't see them on Nick....may I recommend Animehere? It's what we've been using to keep up to date...my sister is now a Korra fangirl.
  14. Now, I know Tweek did a brilliant version of the source on Missingno. I know that you can find a brilliant Thrash Metal medley of this and the two from G/S/C on Youtube by SurfThrashMetal That's not why I'm requesting this song, even though I love these versions. I actually hear potential for this song as an 80s rock-styled track. With vocals. Keyboard/synth, bass, drums, guitars of the rhythm and lead variety, and vocals. Oh, what fun whoever does this shall have! I mean this as a serious challenge for any remixer willing to try it. I myself would, if I had time. Oh well, I might save one of the G/S/C Team Rocket themes for myself, more towards the end of the year when I get time. Or maybe I won't, even I don't know. Link -
  15. Little too young to be Zuko's son, I think. He's a little older than Asami. More likely, it's his grandson. I think it would be perfect if Zuko, who abdicated and is traveling the world, is on board the ship, helping Iroh, like the original Iroh helped him.
  16. Grandson, actually. Zuko is currently traveling the world, his daughter rules. I'm guessing she'd be around Tenzin's age, so he's roughly in his early twenties, the approximate same as the others. He's the Fire Prince. Also, look at Aang's son Bumi's concept art. Notice the collar? It seems very Fire Nation royalty....
  17. Thanks! I found them, and both exams went brilliantly - had the final one for the term today, so now I've got a few months until the next lot...and, y'know, school all winter while you lucky Americans get a few months off...granted, I DO get months off over Summer, nut considering this is my final year of high school, eh, idk.
  18. Thanks for the Tindeck link, that cover of this track is awesome. And recognizable. Eh, I can't be bothered hunting through 145 pages of forum to find Metal Harbor, 'specially not with two exams in around eleven hours. I'll wait and catch the highlights if they get posted as mixes, or included on a Sonic album/other album as extras, like they were with Maverick Rising. [EDIT]: Wow, this thread actually has had two of my fav. remixers comment. Now, all I'd need is a BGC reply, and I could just...die in complete joy. Love both of your stuff, but BGC is the remixer I want to be like - bit of every style, plus a successful composer for one of the biggest video games released in a while. But with high school, computer issues, plus my major self-confidence and technical issues with performance (and complete lack of knowledge in recording/remixing) that's stopped me. Oh well, I might do a Team Rocket remix...if I don't request it first! XD
  19. Wait....what??? I love the mix, but eroge-worthy? I don't quite see it. Then again, this is a TIFA mix, being used by a website called COSPLAY Deviants....see what I'm getting at here?
  20. I bet people are, but come on, not all the requests are done.
  21. Eventually, I plan to remix, and I might just look at some of those songs, but Green Hill isn't the biggest offender. Try IceCap Zone Act 1.
  22. So would most Pokemon fans. Adventures is uber. But it would have to be continuous, starting from the start.
  23. And for those of you who don't speak Japanese, like myself, here's the same vid with English subtitles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs8JvZ9NH-M&feature=related This is what I would imagine a Pokemon Adventures anime to look like. We all know gameplay won't be as epic, but still....
  24. Eh, it was the first VG remix I ever heard, back in '09. You can't blame me for thinking he did well in adding lyrics, before I discovered here. So, yeah, I was kinda trolling in my comments, because I WANT SOMEONE to 'prove me wrong', and make the source sound awesome, with or without vocals. [EDIT]: 'sides, that just goes to show how little there is, that my fav. "remix" of the specific source is vocals over the top. I'm certain that you, Protodome, could do ten thousand times better, considering how much I love your other stuff.... Oh, and I just thought it was a MIDI rendering of the original, not the actual original itself. Sucks to have never played the source.....
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