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Everything posted by ondellonoya

  1. It's a fantasy song just wrote a few days ago. Take a listen and I hope you guys enjoy it! https://soundcloud.com/ondellonoya/the-gryphon-skies
  2. Hi! I want to share another music piece of mine, called The Tale of Twin Flame. It's an interpretation of rare romance phenomenon. I hope you guys enjoy it, thanks!
  3. I just listened to Corrupted Dunes, I can definitely feel the Diablo-ish vibe right there. Very great!
  4. yes, I also noticed something is not right about the outro but never realized it until you mention i.. go a little longer sounds like a good choice and if you want to download it, here's the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byt4wkXJlPoJcUpQc05LaDlycUE thanks man, really appreciate it!
  5. thanks man, I think I'll work more on humanizing the instruments on the next piece! really appreciate it!
  6. Hi, I wanted to share my original tune here. It's actually my interpretation of Kalameet, the one-eyed black dragon from Dark Souls. I hope guys enjoy it!
  7. wow, I headbanging a lot to your tracks.. and loved your guitar tones man
  8. I dig it, it still has the original vibe with more modern sounding. Very nice!
  9. Hello everyone, this is my remix on Redial, a tune from Bomberman Hero. I hope you guys enjoy it & any feedback will be appreciated! REMIX: ORIGINAL:
  10. this one give me chill, amazing!
  11. thanks man, glad you like it!
  12. It's my remix for one of the bomberman's themes, hope you enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/ondellonoya/bomberman-theme-2
  13. Finally got time to do interpretation on one of my fav game soundtrack, it's Sparkster The Rocket Knight..! I love the music (the 1st stage, which is turns out to be his main theme) since I was playing it for the first time on Sega Genesis back when am still a kid.. So here you go, and hope you like it..! https://soundcloud.com/ondellonoya/sparkster-the-rocket-knight
  14. Hi everyone, finally I managed to cover one of my fav pokemon tunes, Lavender Town..! I dunno if this is final version, I hope I'll have time to working on this song again.. so what do you think about this song..? thanks so much! http://soundcloud.com/ondellonoya/lavender-town
  15. I love your work on Crystalline..!! am not an expert about the sound engineering or stuff but maybe if you put a little reverb to create a roomy effect and blur it a little bit wud be great..
  16. dude I enjoy it a lot..! do you have a soundcloud..? Did you use FL to create these songs..?
  17. Mark - I haven't try it yet, what's the name for the Native Instrument product..? Wiesty - am currently downloading it, thanks for the info..
  18. hey there, am looking for a good sound sample for saxophone and its friends.. I tried HalionOne and I think am not quite satisfied.. is there any cool VST or software with good sax sound sample..? thanks a lot..
  19. am enjoying this man.. a little bit felt like Chrono Cross's "Time's Scar", I like the atmosphere..!
  20. the staccato strings section starts from 0:43 make it creepy and bring a quite tension.. maybe if you add more dissonant to the harmony, it will be more creepy.. I like this tune..!
  21. am enjoying this one, cool..!
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