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    Coaltergeist reacted to Brandon Strader in Best Headphones for listening/composing music?   
    I'll give the same answer every time... before you start throwing money at the screen for brand names or specs.. consider that the most important thing is using a set of headphones that you're familiar with. The most important thing is to be intimately familiar with the sound you are hearing, know where the weaknesses are in your headphones, and be able to compensate for that.. like for example I know 2500KHz has a fall-off in the right speaker of my wireless sennheiser monitoring headphones.
    Whether you pay $5 or $500 makes little difference, most of the work will be training yourself to listen with whatever headphones you get. Becoming familiar with how those headphones color the sound and how to compensate for that. Buying a super expensive pair is less important than many people will have you believe. 
  2. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to StarDragonJP in Official & Unofficial Arrangement Projects (Tracking)   
    Man this hasn't been updated in awhile. 3 albums on here have been released months ago..
    Zelda Lime of the Season, Super Mario 64, & the Gameboy 25th Anniversary album.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to timaeus222 in Best Headphones for listening/composing music?   
    Something else that I almost forgot to mention is the reverb response of the headphones.
    I proceeded through the following headphones:
    Sony MDR-7502 (~$40) -> ??? (forgot)(~$60) -> Shure SRH240A (~$60) -> Grado SR-60i (~$80) -> Beyerdynamic DT-880 (250 ohm) (~$400, but 51% off, so ~$200)
    How I would describe them is the following:
    Sony MDR-7502 - Hugely lacking in bass and treble (honestly, above 1000 Hz was terrible); didn't pay attention to the reverb response here
    Shure SRH240A - Rather washy (with reverb), lacking in bass and upper treble
    Grado SR-60i - Less washy, clean bass, crisp treble (somewhat hard for bass mixing, though)
    Beyerdynamic DT-880 - Just dry enough for some excellent clarity, well-defined bass (loving it for bass mixing), distinct treble (so I can tell the difference between 14000 Hz and 18000 Hz, for example)
    So if you can, I think you should test the headphones you want to get on a song with a lot of reverb to see how much clarity you get. This aspect of headphones could change the amount of reverb you want to put in your music. If you can't test it... I wish you luck on that!
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    Coaltergeist got a reaction from timaeus222 in Best Headphones for listening/composing music?   
    Here's what I got:http://graphs.headphone.com/graphCompare.php?graphType=0&graphID
    Basically it looks like the dt-880's are the clear winner (duh), but the price is much higher than the others. If I am reading this correctly, the k240's perform better in the low range than the m50x's, and the opposite is true for the high range. The sr60's are decent overall, but for the price I think one could do better. Personally I am quite liking the k240's, but I will give it a bit more consideration.
    EDIT: Fixed errors. Had the wrong ATH headphones in the last pic. The m50x look like it has a great low range and a decent high range, but the k240 looks like it is better overall.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to Nabeel Ansari in Best Headphones for listening/composing music?   
    If you want something good for casual listening, the M50x beats the k240s. Same goes for critical listening (because of clarity).
    The M50x are close-backed, so even though the bass dB response is technically lower than the k240s according to the graph, the bass is very big and clear because it's contained. They're not "flat" headphones because of this, no, but they are clear as well as enjoyable.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to Nabeel Ansari in Best Headphones for listening/composing music?   
    Some personal experience; I used k240s before I got the M50x. It's no comparison; M50x quality wins by a landslide. Remember Fletcher Munson curves; having a flat frequency graph yields mid-high frequencies that are way higher in perceived loudness than the lower end. Having a slight dip in the mid highs makes for a better listening experience and a more "humanized equality" rather than "technical equality". 
    Either one is okay depending on your mixing philosophy, it doesn't really actually matter. If you mix with references, you can mix on anything. The ATH-M50x has extreme clarity even if it is a little imbalanced; the clarity to me is the most important thing, and references of my favorite tracks tell me how to get an overall balance. The graph runs counter to my opinion here, but I hold firmly that I get a much more A) informative and B ) enjoyable listening experience out of the M50x.
    Also, frequency response curves don't really tell you everything; it's just dB response. It doesn't really tell you about clarity, especially in the bass region. The shape of the headphones matters, semi-open or closed back, the quality of the sound reproduction itself, etc. That graph says AKG-k240s have better bass than the M50x, but in my opinion, the k240s bass is nothing impressive, and the M50x destroys it in that sector.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to Eino Keskitalo in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    I'll def try to get my WIP updated by August 1st.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to Garrett Williamson in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Yo. Haven't died, just haven't had any time to even get on here. I still care about this and will try as hard as I can to get something to you.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to KingTiger in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    I'd love to jump on the Altin Flood source.
    Also, here's a great GS wiki that has every single song listed along with where it plays in both games!:
    And Beth, I'd love to be a part of your chorus for your track, if you're still doing that.
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    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Chernabogue in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    As long as the emulator is decent, there isn't a problem.
    Think about it this way; you can't rip a video file directly from the ROM, because the video is made on the engine. You're able to record it while the game is running, but the methods can lead to low-quality versions of the "originals."
    If you go on youtube and search for any song from the first 2 golden sun games, the result that you'll get has been recorded from an emulated ROM by a computer. That method causes background noise, and the quality isn't great. The way I'm trying it will be the highest possible audio quality with similar synths that I've tuned/made by ear.
    Here's an example from the teaser I put out on Reddit (it shows the before and after of a particular song):
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    Coaltergeist reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    That's really cool to learn about the synths. I guess the game might be a challenge to emulate?
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    Coaltergeist reacted to Chernabogue in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    Interesting. No problem about sorting them, it'd be nice to have them (well at least the OST, I don't really care about the SFX). Thanks.
    That remastering project sounds awesome too, the GBA's quality didn't do justice to the soundtrack. Good luck!
  13. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Lie Mf B in New Mutherpluckin' B album out now   
    I thought I'd bump this thread a bit, partly because I think the album cover images deserve some more attention.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to djpretzel in Order Custom CD Albums?   
    Let us know what you find!
    Moving this to music composition & production since it's pretty on-topic for that forum.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
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    Coaltergeist got a reaction from AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Alright, I have WIPs from Angel, Dan and SBeast! Thanks guys, they all sound great. I'll get some feedback back in a few days; they sound really good, however.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    So today is officially check-in day. It's 2 AM where I'm at, but I'll send my WIP for Crossing The Desert this evening. 
    It's sounding pretty legit I dare say. For the finished version, I'll need live bass guitar and female, arabian-sounding vocals, but that can wait.
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    Coaltergeist reacted to jnWake in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Are you interested in more FE7 tracks? That game has a stellar soundtrack.
    If the answer is yes, don't sign me in yet though, but count me as super interested haha.
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