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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. I missed the listening party but this gem in the log got me: <+Gario> Ground Scaravich? Isn't he the beetle that carries poo around? If the stupidly weird harmonies in the song hadn't made me regret my choice enough! EDIT: Also, regarding the criticisms I read in the log, I rushed a lot of the writing so my guitar lines are very simple haha. The guitar leads are MIDI recorded so I guess that's why they don't sound that sequenced. I may re-visit this with more time later to add more variations to the guitar and stuff.
  2. Lol poor Dusk. Pretty good songs this week, I'll try to write some reviews later but I enjoyed most of them. WillRock's is my favourite. I was also very surprised by timaeus' track since the style is very unique and it was pulled off greatly IMO.
  3. Sent mine. Mixing was very rushed but it's decent I believe haha. I'm too lazy to post a source breakdown but I hope people take into account that Ground Scaravich has like no melodies when listening to my track. Most of the Scaravich usage is in the chord progressions (in fact, practically every section of the track is a Scaravich chord with a Doppler melody on top). Anyway, hope you guys like it!
  4. Lol I'm going to cut it close with the mixing but I'll submit something!
  5. Well I do have the main arrangement idea tied up at least haha so there's hope!
  6. I've been pretty sick this week so I haven't worked much on my song. I hope I feel better today ;_;
  7. jnWake - X-Square Rolling (Frost Walrus in Palace Ground [X]) My Beerly Beerloved (Blizzard Buffalo in Palace Ground [X]) Electric Moves & Cephalopod Grooves (Volt Kraken in Palace Ground [X])
  8. First round songs are great. Super clean production in most of them and I'm surprised people even had the time to record vocals! If I have time I'll post more detailed impressions later but first listens were great.
  9. Lol the style differences between X3 Doppler and Scaravich are too much. I'm mixing for X-Square this week but I have no idea how I'll mix these two tracks together!
  10. Sent my WAV. Sorry for taking so long. Hope I wasn't the last one left
  11. Shoot! Sorry for not responding. Tbh, I haven't begun the mix yet but I should have it by Nov. I leave it to you to decide what to do with my track.
  12. I love this song too. Unfortunately I won't be able to enter this competition but I hope to be able to share something related soon.
  13. If you're not blessed with perfect pitch or whatever that is called, then your only way of getting better is by practicing. Listen to songs and try to guess what notes are playing (preferably by playing along as timaeus suggests). If you practice lots you'll eventually get good at it!
  14. Ah, that theme is nice. I expected to get the Scaravich. It's quite a strange tune but it's cool. I'm happy with it.
  15. And mine, with team hopefully announced soon: 1. Volt Kraken. 2. Blizzard Wolfgang. 3. Ground Scaravich. 4. Rainy Turtloid. 5. Slash Beast.
  16. This is a pretty Smash 64 theme that could be remixed: . I'd offer myself but I'm not sure I either fit your criteria or have time do to it haha.
  17. Sunday is the deadline? Have been super busy so I want to plan ahead (for what lasts of this week at least haha).
  18. I don't think I'll send you more WIPs before the final mix is ready Black_Doom. It should be relatively soon too.
  19. I'm sure I posted about this somewhere in these forums but at some point I held 4 WR's (speed runs) in different stages from Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. I've lost all of them by now though haha but it was cool having them!
  20. I'm sure I shouldn't post it here but I guess it's no wrong if I PM you!
  21. I'll send you my WIP in a few hours or early tomorrow. I got a sudden burst of inspiration! EDIT: Or probably during the night but I swear it's coming haha.
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