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Everything posted by Hadyn

  1. I've already made two websites (flash and non-flash) and I'm handling official cd cover's and stuff. However everyone is free to contribute their own custom cd covers, so if you wanna give that a shot, go for it!
  2. I've been really dorment on this since I started. I want to apologise for that - my course has very literally been "full time" , and right now it's worse than ever. I have exams next week, and a heap of assignments to finish up asap before I can officially graduate. After that I have some paid web design work I need to do, after which I may finally be free to work on my track again. But that's atleast a month or so away. I can completely understand if you want to replace me. I can't make a promise to devote myself entirely to this project, but I'll do what I can. I'll probably finish my remix eventually either way, but I can't guarentee it'll match your deadlines. Sorry, but that's the best I can do right now. ~Hadyn
  3. Xenon Odyssey VS Hetcenus & Rexy VS Geoff Taucer ... LMFAO Yeah, I don't stand a chance. Even if I started over from scratch. Well, we'll just see how Taucer and the Ivory Masters do... All of you should try! Tracks that don't get used will still be available fr download as BONUS CONTENT. Right now there's not a whole lot of that, so some more would be nice!
  4. So you're saying that you want the arrangement for solo piano and are hoping for me to tweak the composition a little bit when you're done? Or are you meaning something else altogether? Just curious I think he means: He makes an arrangement You change bits and pieces of the arrangement to make a new arrangement. That's how I read it anyways ^^;
  5. Man, after almost a year working on this it feels pretty surreal. If you or the other directors need anything changed though - after a few more listens - that's still fine. If the other directors haven't heard it, maybe they can pm me about how I should send it to them, or they can get it from you. Meanwhile I still have shiteloads of assignments. I will, however, try to work on a cd cover and some other little bits and pieces in my spare time. As far as the conversion of the site goes (from coldfusion to php), I dunno. It'll have to wait atleast a few more weeks, until I'm done with college. I also have a paying web-design job which I should probably get started on... but I'm sure I'll have enough free time to get things working in the background. Maybe I can find someone else to help me convert, who knows. So yeah. That's where I stand! Just as another note, kind of pointless, but both websites I've done for Project Chaos (the Flash + the HTML/ColdFusion) have also been college assignments. Kind of unfortunately the Flash one only got me a credit (aiming for a distinction there). I don't think the lecturer realised that I actually scripted stuff like the inbuilt music player myself. Ohwell. The HTML/ColdFusion one is being marked twice, once for the scripting and again for the design. The scripting was marked today, and I'm proud to say I got an A. The design's not yet marked... I expect a credit though, because I didn't try to make it too amazingly detailed - I wanted the Flash website to be the fancy one, for obvious reasons - so this one's nice and clean. I wish I could you show guys, but alas I have to convert it from ColdFusion to php before I can put it up on a server (unless anyone can find a free ColdFusion server, which is really unlikely). So yeah. There's some insight for ya'll!
  6. Thought the project directors would be happy to know that I have a "finished" version of my Carnival Night tune. KFC got all serious on me thismorning, and it actually motivated me to temporarily drop my assignments and work on the damn song - and I feel better for it. I'm off to sleep now, but if I get some time tomorrow I'll send out a copy to you, ze leaders, and you can lemme know what you think. On a similar note, what's the best way to get the song out to each of you guys - considering time differences make msn a little difficult and all? ~Hadyn
  7. This is a note to all of you who have offered to work on background music - it doesn't have to loop. Infact, looping is a bad thing, it should have a clear start and end. All of the bg tunes are going to play in sequential order, so they don't need to repeat Antipode, I listened to your mix. There a bits and pieces I think you could salvage into a more suitable background piece, I'll give you better feedback in a couple of hours when I'm home from college.
  8. As long as it sounds good, it doesn't matter too much if it doesn't feel entirely background-ish. Somewhat unfortunately, right now anything is better than nothing.
  9. Sounds good, thanks for helping out!
  10. It can still have a melody - I mean, something sort of ambient is good, but we don't want it to be boring ^^
  11. It'd be awesome if you did some music, but make sure to tie it in to sonic 3 and knuckles. It doesn't have to be a direct remix, but aslong as it hints at one or more of the s3k themes it's alright!
  12. Why does Special Place have capital letters?
  13. This isn't official or anything, but it's how I think things should be: Anyone can do album art. There will likely be one "official" cover, but there'll also be bonus covers if anyone else wants to submit anything. The extra covers would be unique to the Flash website, and would be hidden around so you could find and 'unlock' them, along with other bonus content. This is official: As for the background music, a short track (about 1-2 minutes) that uses any of the themes from sonic 3 and knuckles is fine. It can be a medley, or just use one of them, whatever. Quality isn't as uber important as for the main project tracks, but we still want stuff that sounds good. Any other questions, feel free to ask! ~Hadyn
  14. I agree completely, but there'll always be people who don't understand this. We've got to try and stay tolerant and keep a positive image in the eyes of the community for the sake of the project. Anyways, it's all good now.
  15. Hey genius, read the rules for posting in Site Projects. What about "Don't insult people/curse people off"? There are nicer ways to tell people that they've broken a rule, without making them feel like an idiot. The community is supposed to be excited, that's the whole point in the project - you can't be angry that some people are a little, say, over-enthusiastic.
  16. Sounds good! I'm sorry about the non-completion of my carnival night track so far, I'll try to fix that this weekend. I'm in the last two weeks of my course, and there are still assignments that will probably take me a month to complete, after all the *official* deadlines... So, you know, I am actually kinda busy. But yeah. The track's been basically finished for ages, just wanted to add a solo, which hopefully won't take too long and isn't too major of an addition... just want to give a little more life to the piece. I haven't had a chance to look at converting the HTML/ColdFusion site to php yet, and I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to do that. If anyone can offer coldfusion hosting, that'd still be VERY appreciated - would save me a lot of time and pain. Hell, maybe we could ask for donations, and actually pay for server space? It just depends whether you want to wait for me to try to convert it or not. With assignments and my actual paid design work, it might be another month or longer before I even look at it. As for the Flash website, it could still do with some more background music tracks. So far I have about... one. Atleast three total would be good, but I'm hoping for more than that if possible. As soon as it gets more tracks, it can go online. Well, I need a little info from the project directors too, but you know, the main thing holding it up is the lack of background music. I know Snapps himself was working on a piece, maybe the other project directors could help out here aswell, if they have the time? I might also begin asking mixers who aren't already on the project to consider contributing. Well, that's about it from me for today. Stay cool, ~hadyn
  17. snapps, did you get my pm?
  18. As a note, I still haven't worked on my carnival night track for a few weeks, but I'm almost finished the coldfusion version of the html partner-site. If it's at all possible to get a cold fusion server still, that would be awesome. Otherwise I guess I'll just have to learn php. It's just a shame, because I wrote a hell of a lot of CF code. But ohwell. Maybe I'll just remove some of the less-important features and go from there. Anyways, just thought I'd let ya'll know what's happening.
  19. Example code of a full page or two would be great. W3c was a bit lacking in that department. If you can send me a page that has all the scripting on it to connect to a database, retireve info, and later on display that info, that'd be cool. Just html stuff, I'll worry about flash another time. And yeah, if you have any other pages that show some more interesting stuff you think might help, you could send them too. Best way would probably be to zip them, and email them to hadynlander@hotmail.com whenever you get the time. Cheers, ~Hadyn
  20. Sounds good, but with all the work at school I'd rather not have to learn a new language right now, if it's possible. But yeah, I've thought about php as an alternative, and your advice is appreciated there, but I have to do CF for an assignment anyways, so I wanted to kill two birds with one stone and get it going for the project chaos site. I have a lot of assignments in the last two months of my course, so not much spare time. Knowing that you can use SQL with flash is AWESOME. That makes me very happy. I'm hoping to work mainly with flash websites in the future (for my job), and having databases connected would definitely be a cool feature, plus it would allow me to increase my price just a little... As for PHP - is it pretty similar in scripting to CF? If it is, maybe you could help me convert the site over to php once I've done it all, if you have some time? The databases would all be the same I imagine, and the query's and all wouldn't change much so it'd just be a bit of scripting here and there. And yeah, it'd help me get a faster understanding of php, too, so benefits all around I guess. But only if you have time/we can't find a php server. Well, thanks again for the advice, ~Hadyn Update: Decided to read up on PHP at W3schools. You weren't lying when you said it was similar to the other languages! As long as I can figure out how to use sql to import the right info from the databases and all, I should be okay to do most of the php-ing on my own - though obviously some help would still be appreciated if you were willing. But yeah, not for another week or two atleast, gotta finish other stuff first ^^
  21. It's a language like asp, php or cgi. Kind of. Well I'm not really sure, I don't know any of the other languages, thus the reason I'm looking for a cold fusion server. "Cold Fusion Cold Fusion is another server-side scripting language used to develop dynamic web pages. Cold Fusion is developed by Macromedia." - W3schools Essentially it lets me put stuff on the site such as a shoutbox, a guestbook and an administrative section where the project directors can login and update news articles, update download mirrors or alter information for each track, or add new media like cd covers and stuff, all through the site (no html scripting required!). The basic way it works is by connecting a database to the website, and letting the site add, remove, edit and display the information from the database by running a series of scripts that I program. The reason I want to use it is because of the sheer amount of information that's going into the site, I want to make an easy and more enjoyable way for the project directors to alter the info without screwing up my beautiful html. And stuff like shoutboxes and guestbooks are always cool too. Oh yeah, and it's also an assignment I have to do. Two birds, one stone.
  22. you wouldn't need to do much, I'd walk you through it... but yeah, if you don't have it, nevermind! Hope we can find someone who does have it, though...
  23. Don't supposed you have a Cold Fusion enabled server? We're looking for one to host the project site.
  24. I'm going to be doing the downloads pages within the next month or two, and I want to do it with cold fusion... But first, I need a server that has cold fusion enabled. KFC, could you please check if the current server has CF, and if it doesn't could you please try to organise one that does. It'll enable me to do a lot of cool things with the site, and it also fits in to one of my assignments, so it's good on both levels. Cheers, ~Hadyn
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