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Everything posted by Hadyn

  1. I'm sorry hey, not only have I had all these different mixes to work on, but I have exams and a massive assignment to worry about now... With work on top of all of that, it's pretty hectic around here ^^;
  2. lol, I will! One day... I just gota massive assignment and only two weeks to do it, but after that I shouldn't have any excuses for a while
  3. I agree with Phasm, The new version is quite an improvement I have some irks about the drums and stuff, but I'll let you iron it out as much as possible in your own way before offering any advice ^^ good job so far, ~Hadyn
  4. Geez, thanks for Linearty and me =/ I think you take me too seriously ^^;
  5. I was just about to ask about that - I have the strangest feeling now that, even with a third party, you'll win all of those Then again, your music's generally pretty awesome, so I don't mind ^^
  6. That first one's really good, particularly the shading - gives a great sense of depth. It's about time somebody talented offered to help out - I would've myself but, you know, busy being cool and stuff. It's a hard life being awesome... Keep up the good work!
  7. Sorry about death-egg man, I want to try and get Final Boss and Carnival Night out of the way first, and I've been lazy even with them. I'll try and get them done soon, then I'll try some more stuff with Death Egg. Like I said, though, It doesn't nessecarily have to be a full on collaborative effort, I just wanted to give you some ideas. I'll try to work more on what i've got, but I think you should work on your own ideas too
  8. Yeop, I'm happy with all these ideas. Sorry guys, but i've been a lot busier than I expected in the last week, and haven't made any progress since last time I posted. I'll try to find some motivation and get some serious work done this weekend. ~Hadyn
  9. So this is where I'm at: Final Boss: No major changes since last update, but it shouldn't take long to finsih it as my computer's a little faster now I've learnt how to properly use edirol I might have this one finished this weekend. Carnival Night with ellywu2: He's going to send the flp back my way, and i'll probably get most of my work done this weekend, then it'll be upto him to finsish the drum work and we'll both add our finishing touches. Probably be done within a fortnight from now. Death Egg with Joker: I've done a few things very quickly with this one, but much more work needs to be done, particularly to make the the piano part sound smoother and, well, better than FL Keys is making it sound. I haven't talked with Joker about this yet, but it might be an idea to get a third-party involved to help out with the piano, and I would love to get some female vocals down for the background, but yeah. That's all up to Joker, it's his song This one could take a while, maybe a month. Credits with Sora: Sora recently asked me to help him with the EQ work on his mix, but there are a few other changes i'd like to help him with too, if he agrees to it. I wont start this one for another week or two, but it's definitely something i would like to help him with If I end up doing as much work as I think on this one, it could be a month to a month and a half away.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe the only thing they have in common is one background synth, and that does not constitute them being the same song... That's my opinion, anyway. I just have no idea why people think they're the same... The chord progression, the mood, the everything - it's so different between the two ^^;
  11. Yeah. I, for example, have a strong belief that they should be split into seperate mixes...
  12. Just a quick note, if anyone needs a "beatboxing" drum kit, I have one that I recorded myself that is nice and clean. Actually, that sounds cool. Could I get that off of you?
  13. Heyyyyy, you don't need to put it down as a collab ^^; All i'm doing really is trying to give you ideas, or show you ideas I had in mind - you're still doing all the hard work If anything, you can add a "mastered by Hadyn" note in the tags, but no need to call it a full collab. You deserve the credit for this! ~Hadyn
  14. I agree, it looks like there're going to be a few rock/metal mixes, but then, the project spans almost 30 tracks, so it wont hurt for a few of them to be live
  15. yeah, the marimba's grown on me again... I'm keeping it Might try that idea though - mixing it with something electronic... could work nicely ~Hadyn
  16. Cheers man. I know what you mean about the xylophone (well, actually it's a marimba, but it's all the same really... kind of). But yeah, I have no idea at all what to replace it with. Maybe some crazy electronic lead? any thoughts anyone?
  17. Just a recommendation of what I would do in the immediate measure before the trumpet stabs/xylo come in (hey, you wanted goofy, right): halfway through the measure, do a hard volume cutoff and insert a giggling clown laugh. Cut the volume back right at the next measure with the stabs and calliope and whatnot. Just a thought. lol, that would just be scary... I don't wanna give listeners nightmares here, Myth. I have another idea I might try out with adding a short build... I'll see how that works out. Otherwise, I could always do the glass shatter then silence like in the original ^^ Incase anyone else would like to give some advice - it'd be very appreciated
  18. version 2 of my latest WIP: I'm rather happy with how this is turning out, apart from two things: 1) the trombone stab section comes out of nowhere (although the lead-out is fine) and 2) As Snappleman put it, "It needs to be cool and goofy. This is just cool" He has a damn good point. I might try something a little crazier tomorrow or something, but for now, all comments and opinions on this are very appreciated.
  19. So I have a question about Edirol Orchestral and FLStudio 5. Edirol is a plug-in that contains many different instruments inside the one thing - how do I set it so each instrument has its own piano roll? As it is, I have a different instance of edirol open for every instrument, which is reallllly slowing my computer a lot. If anyone can help me, that'd be great. ~Hadyn EDIT: Nevermind, Dragonlord saved the day
  20. Snappleman, this project needed you. Not as a discredit to KFC or anything, but yeah. You're doing some amazing things. Keep it up
  21. Pick one. I know KFC's busy, so I'll elaborate. You can pick any one you like, even if somebody else is doing it, and in the end there'll be a vote to see which one makes it on the project ~Hadyn
  22. Yay, I made a demo that i'm happy with! I'm gonna keep working on this one, methinks. What do you guys recon? ~Hadyn EDIT: version 2 of my latest WIP: I'm rather happy with how this is turning out, apart from two things: 1) the trombone stab section comes out of nowhere (although the lead-out is fine) and 2) As Snappleman put it, "It needs to be cool and goofy. This is just cool" He has a damn good point. I might try something a little crazier tomorrow or something, but for now, all comments and opinions on this are very appreciated.
  23. Damnit, I suck at this... I tried a bunch of ideas, but they all sucked. It's quite a difficult theme to remix... one of those ones that was really written to suit the specific style it's in... and yeah... poop. Not sure if i'll keep working on it or not.
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