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Everything posted by jane

  1. Haha. So my ax is dead. I don't know why. But I wanted to play something. https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/were-all-insufferable-human Although I did come up with a drum sound I'm insanely happy with in the process, which was an accident.
  2. Hey guys Just knocked up this new one for a solo album thingy I'm trying to do... it was weird. I was listening to Deftones' new record and watching Blue Velvet and got this vibe (the intro to "Swerve City," I thought was awesome. Kind of stole it). It's about your face being a mirror and then looking at your face in a mirror https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-mirrorface
  3. Hey-lo, I'm on Twitter too. I'm a journo for my day-job and a lot of it has to do with music. Maybe I will be of interest to you? I also write about guys with dicks stuck to them. My Twatter: @jane_tobes
  4. This is a WIP of the latest doooomcore track I'm working on for my little solo record thingy. My voice doesn't suit it very well. Anyone like to roar? https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-my-list-of
  5. Duuude that's cool, it reminds me of the Cyber City Oedo 808 soundtrack (in a more modern spirit). You should make the drums fake as shit and really '80s and totally go for it.
  6. Sounding great. Oh my goodness I'm such an outlier, though. Damn kids with their drugs and their metal and their more drugs.
  7. This is so indelibly badass. Can't tell you how much that first track made my morning.
  8. Hello everyone. I'm doing Wanderer's Path for this. Just letting you all know it's coming along awesome and I have great hair. OK good
  9. Hey guys. I recently beat my old Tascam to death with a large stick because I hated it so much and then got an Apogee Duet 2. In the process of "getting to know it," I wrote this. Loving it. https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/to-the-mosh-pit-post-haste
  10. JUST KIDDING. http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/nothing-means-anything
  11. Hey guys and gals. Working on my vocals a lot at the moment (singing and abrasive). I wrote these specifically to work on melodic bellowing. Thoughts appreciated, of course. http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-dandelion et http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-you-tree
  12. Heyas. I'm doing this pretty br00dal track at the mo. Wondering if any ears could lemme know how it's rolling? http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/daddy-was-rough-mix-2
  13. These are fantastic basses for the money. I had one for five years, just sold it (own too many basses): http://www.fender.com/en-AU/products/vintage-modified-jazz-bass-70s
  14. Don't wanna take away from what this means to you, but the way you've hacked up your synth, it's horrible to listen to. I thought my shiz wasn't loading properly or something.
  15. Will make it up to you. PROMISE Although not sure what I'm gonna do about that harp... my harp skills aren't the best. You might say they don't even exist. In conclusion, definitely overqualified.
  16. Does Density exist for Mac? Your drums are cool, man.
  17. This was a super quick mix as I didn't really know what the deal was, I think Kuolema just wanted me to do guitars for him. I got carried away. The drums aren't even stemmed out or anything (yet?). Good advice though, solid. The arrangement is word-for-word what I had in the MIDI files, although I took extreme liberties with the lead lines (der) and, of course, the jazzier breaks are just some silliness I came up with in an acid haze. If anyone can point me at the original, maybes I can tool around with it a bit more.
  18. Hey guys. Kuolema gave me some MIDI files to play with and then I made this out of them. Apparently the source is a Legend of Mana track, but... er, look. I've never heard it. Which song is this supposed to be? Yes. I have effectively remixed a track I've never even heard. I am a genius. http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/jesus-christ-that-tree-has-a
  19. Hey guys. Brenna Hillier over at VG24/7 is a good mate of mine, and she's having a tough time right now so I wrote her a particularly loud song. Hope you like it! http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/fuck-yeah-brenna
  20. Your lead's a bit wobbly in places, but sick track. Chuck some throat over it!
  21. Hey guys. I play bass, guitar, and drums to a reasonable standard, but I've always wanted to sing. Away from my two main bands, I've been having a go at it under my solo moniker, "anonfemme." Keen to hear some thoughts. I don't use any pitch correction or crap, just reverb and some delay for epic bits. Distortion when I wanna be Converge. http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-dandelion
  22. Hey guys, I'm new here. I've been wanting to contribute some tracks to OC for years now, and I'm finally in a position to make it all happen. Hope the big bosses like my first effort
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