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Posts posted by IanFitC

  1. FixationsLunar Rebellion, and Craic in the Castle Walls are all amazing, particularly as they showed off tracks I had no real expectations for due to their being tracks that weren't particularly favorites of mine in the game;


    Cheers dude! Much appreciated!


    I maintain that Lunar Rebellion is quite possibly the best piece of work I've done. It was heart wrenching to sit on it for so long, but I'm glad it's found an audience finally! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. "The Rose General" predates this album's recruitment launch by half a year.  IanFitC mentions it simply to point out how he found the website at large thanks to stumbling onto that track, if I'm reading that correctly, and isn't implying that the song is on the album.  No album OCR has ever put out has just been old stuff; everything is always produced anew specifically for the album.  It's always a new album with new songs.  Admittedly, since this project first started five and a half years ago (geez!), you can't accurately call some of the tracks on here "new" anymore, but still.

    There's some rare exceptions where a track posted to the front page will later end up on an album, but in all of those cases, it's tracks that were already on the album, and they got posted early as a teaser of sorts, such as these three examples.



    Apologies for the confusion.



    Getting pretty excited for this now, my body is ready. Is yours?



    I was born ready.

  3. Me too, dude. This is a massive deal for me.

    I remember a lifetime ago coming across Kate's version of Beatrix's Rose Of May theme and being blown away, finding OCR through that, then eventually this project.

    Now, several years later, I get to appear alongside Kate and a few of my other remix heroes (Dan Floyd especially - can't wait to see what you've done dude!).

    I hope it's all as good as I want it to be :)

  4. Just a quick message to let you all know that I'm not dead.

    I've been working on loads of band stuff recently, and trying (read:failing) to change jobs, which has been taking up a significant amount of the rest.

    The good news is that, short of me getting a new job in the next 3 weeks, I'll be cutting down my shifts at work to 2-3 a week rather than what I'm currently doing (5-6, plus gigging/practicing with the band).

    While that sounds more like bad news, it ultimately means that I'll be able to spend a significant amount more time on these tracks. I may miss the WIP date, but it won't be by much.

    I'll do my utmost to get at least something down for it!

  5. Mutual ballsack vs. ballsack violence, I can dig it. I'm really looking forward to your songs, I don't think a ton of people here at OCR have heard you yet since your songs ain't been posted yet, but the quality is totally pro.

    I think I'm gonna try out a few different things with these tunes - maybe not as drastically different as Last Battle is, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve I want to bash out.

    With any luck, there will be an overload of IanFitC goodness in the coming year. ;)

    Cheers dude!

  6. Still glad I passed the panel. I swear it was tenuous as hell checking up on it every few days to see it creeping up the list.

    And then it stayed there...

    It stayed there... forever....

    And then one day, outta that blue - Brandon: 'Hey Ian, your track passed'


    Easy breathing now. That said, I'm really looking forward to hearing the rest of the tunes.

  7. I'd love to have a part on this project, but I'm going to need some time to get something together because I've been working on the FF2 and FF9 projects and need to get what work I need to do done for them first.

    I'm particularly interested in the Shooting Gallery theme - I can hear some really weird metal/folk stuff in my head. I can PM samples of my other work so far, and send a WIP once I get the ball rolling.

    The album sounds like it'll be great fun!

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