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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Looks like dropping my music major was a good idea after all.
  2. Thanks for all the kind words (as well as the not-so-kind ones), everyone. I was a little nervous about the release at first, but it's a big relief to finally be able to get my track out in the open and see the feedback. I'm glad people like it so far. In other news, if anyone has actually gone through the whole process of creating a physical DVD or CD using the custom CD and case art, and is willing to go through it again and mail a copy to me, I'd be willing to compensate them for their efforts. Just throwing that out there for any takers.
  3. The remix title is ostensibly a reference to "Batman Returns," another Danny Elfman score.
  4. Here's Reu's arrangement of Descendant of Shinobi Also, thanks for the track-by-track reviews, pixie. The feedback is much appreciated. Hopefully I'll get around to writing my own this week. P.S. I wanna see them everyone's Last.fm stats. I've got 258 plays on my track so far. Hot dang.
  5. Reu did a Yuffie arrangement for the project, but it didn't make it to release. I can post a link if it's okay with the people in charge.
  6. My comment was made in jest BTW. Anyway, if in the future a coordinator still sees a need to use WAV, at least ZIP them beforehand. And if someone starts telling me about the inconvenience and obscurity of ZIP files, I tell you no jury in the world will convict me of what happens next.
  7. I think the number of people complaining about the WAVs conflicts with your stats. Not a single person except you has complained about FLAC. The real inconvenience here is needing to spend hours downloading an extra 1GB, especially when so many people have monthly download caps, as opposed to the 15 minutes at most it would require to get and use a FLAC decoder. Like I mentioned, this discussion is so future coordinators don't make the same mistake.
  8. If nothing else, you need to at least listen to "Stone Eyes" and "Midnight at Club Corel." Hearing Shnabubula in action is a life-changing experience. Don't you find the slightest bit of irony in eschewing FLAC in the name of "accessibility" and saving a couple button clicks, in the same breath that you are telling people to download a "decent client" to get the torrent? Sure, any experienced BT user will have a client that allows file selection. Likewise, any person who cares in the least about lossless in the first place will know about and have a FLAC player. Furthermore, the time it takes to extract FLAC to WAV is practically negligible compared to the time that would be saved by downloading compressed files. We're talking potentially hours here, multiplied across the hundreds of people downloading the torrent. I suppose it's all pretty moot at this point for this particular release, but it's something future project coordinators should keep in mind. But in the meantime, I guess the WAVs are doing a good job of inflating the bandwidth stats.
  9. You know, I just realized something: this project has more music than the actual game has data, by a full disc. I think that definitely says something about the magnitude of what's been done here. You guys should all be proud of yourselves.
  10. I do have to admit I'm a little confused by the decision to include WAVs as opposed to a much more compact lossless format such as FLAC or APE. While they might be less well-known formats, I'm pretty sure anyone who cares about lossless in the first place will be very familiar with them.
  11. Like I said, I understand OCR's philosophy and need to blow things up as much as possible, but really when it comes down to it, there's not a whole lot of ways to mess up a 45-track project release: something this big will pretty much promote itself by being Digged, Farked, PAed, and Slashdotted all at the same time. And you wouldn't be able to keep this from our Japanese fans if you tried. Which reminds me, one interesting thing I've noticed in Japanese projects is that it seems to be popular (or even customary) to host a live webcast as the release progresses. I guess you could liken it to a DoD or kwakfest listening party. Perhaps a special episode of VGFrequency is in order?
  12. Actually setting up a torrent shouldn't take a whole lot of time or effort (I think a Bound Together torrent was created within hours of its release), but coordinating the release with the people who run the tracker(s?) might be harder. Websites and promotion aren't irrelevant, but I'll agree that they are less important. VotL has already had plenty of the latter, and as for the former...Bound Together almost didn't have one to speak of, and it was still hugely successful. The torrents, mirrors, CD covers, etc. all came later with the help of the fans, who were eager to help and be involved with the project themselves in some way, if not in the music aspect. Because in the end, it's the music that matters, and it ends up promoting itself. Still, I do understand OCR's fixation with releasing things all at once in one shiny package with the hopes of it making more of an impact. And who knows, it might. But I personally will be going straight to the torrent link.
  13. It looks like LCDs actually can have a type of "burn-in," but it's not permanent or anything. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_persistence
  14. I wouldn't take zirc and blad's posts too seriously, us pianists are obligated to bash games like this. I think it'd be cool to have a full-featured guitar sim along these lines...I know a lot of Guitar Hero players would be eager to "upgrade."
  15. I dunno if you're kidding or not, but that's the US date format.
  16. Haha, I would totally whip up some sappy piano solo for this if I had the means to do so at the moment. But instead I will wish you luck in finding someone else who can do that.
  17. So I dunno if this is still in demand with fall approaching, but while I was in Taiwan last year, the weather was pretty much exactly like you described, and pretty much everyone had one of these. They even have units you can disguise as art frames.
  18. http://proxy.f3.ymdb.yahoofs.jp/bc/5489a2e6/bc/28ff/b214/Wind+Scene.pdf?BCLox1GBYLyANQjs
  19. I think $10 is a more reasonable contribution. $5 is even better...it'll take longer to pay for itself, but it's below most people's "impulse buy" threshold. In fact, I might get one at that price.
  20. Well...no offense to kLuTz or his work, but I think comparing zohar to the stuff that Greg did 5 years ago downplays the genius of this arrangement. Anyway, I too am ecstatic to see more Japanese arrangers getting on the site. Congratulations to zohar, and I definitely hope you submit your other material soon (your Chrono Cross arrangement is practically divine).
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