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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring...Palutena Phone!
  2. Wow, check out that leg. ROWR.
  3. I totally didn't see that coming! Just kidding, guys, you all did great. But OA still freaking destroyed you.
  4. Yeah I mean seriously, like he'd even have a place to put a railroad.
  5. You just always have to make it about race don't you, wingless? Really now.
  6. As long as I get my stipend of opium and fried rice.
  7. It's good to have *some* semblance of sanity and impartiality back on the panel.
  8. "SAGE" sounds like a 4chan convention gone wrong.
  9. *pictures Orson Welles laying on his deathbed saying, "...VERTEXGUY"*
  10. I suggest writing your posts in Spanish. Then someone who knows Spanish (such as Sir_NutS) can help you out, or translate it to English so that someone else can. As for your music, it's actually quite decent. If you're asking how to submit to the site, here are the submission instructions. It basically involves sending your name, the game name, the remix name, and the remix URL to submissions@ocremix.org .
  11. Or perhaps because certain *COUGH* members the community would immediately make another attempt to get into her pantalonés, now that Jill is taken. Which reminds me how saddened I am that a pixie/Destiny collaboration never transpired... Edit: Shipping is 2.00 GBP outside Europe, so the total will be about $21.
  12. That's my theory. I found out about this album through another person's post on VGMix.
  13. I think that's a given. Her (kind of) new outfit is pretty snazzy-looking too. Also, please don't make your posts pink again...they're hard to read.
  14. http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/destiny/ for those who don't know who she is. Helen hasn't been around this community for a while (supposedly she considered it a stepping stone), but was very highly regarded while she was here for the quality of her Enya-like vocal and instrumental work. Her first album is a 2-CD endeavor, with a total of 22 tracks. The first disc is called Inside Myself and contains the bulk of the songs on the album, while the second disc is entitled Once Upon a Time, having a fairy tale theme. You can buy it at her CD shop here: http://www.faefly-records.co.uk/shop.htm (crossfade demos here) Google Checkout only works for orders within the UK at the moment, unfortunately. The price is a bit hefty at 8.49 GBP (~$17 USD), especially with international shipping if you're in the US, but most people who have heard her work will agree that it's worth it for 2 CDs of Destiny goodness. In addition, each copy will be personally signed by Helen, with an optional message of your choice. Better hurry if you want a copy though: there are only 100 in print.
  15. Kirby gets like a billion jumps.
  16. Haha! Thanks, Larry, nice find. And thanks, spazfox, for making my day.
  17. All it needs is a Panzer Dragoon Saga 2... *sigh*
  18. Actually the thread wasn't up yet at the time of my writing that post. Carry on!
  19. And now it's "what did djp change" time again!
  20. That's odd, because my favorite thing Daft Punk usually isn't the riffs themselves, but the way they add their own vocals and build on the original riffs as the song goes on. I definitely don't think the sampling takes away from their creativity. I think the fact that they of HBFS and still made it rock is evidence of their talent.
  21. I hereby nominate Habeas Porpoise for best name of the year.
  22. GameXchange and Vintage Stock are where I usually go for the classic stuff. We also have a tiny shop called Gameco here that stocks some really old games (think Atari). eBay is just a matter of getting stuff from a trusted seller (preferably with a 99.5% rating or above) and establishing good communication when things go wrong.
  23. Yeah, I thought about mentioning the Amor Mio vote too, but it was a collab, and the decision was in no part due to her contribution. In fact, it was pretty much NO'd despite her contribution.
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