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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. This is the part that most people don't want to deal with. It's a big hassle, and sometimes you don't even have the original discs or install files anymore. There's gotta be a way to transfer file associations, registry associations, etc. without totally messing stuff up.
  2. Or support OCR by getting them at eStarland. I don't know if I applied mine correctly though, since I pretty much can't see what's going on if it's in direct sunlight.
  3. The music isn't bad, but I can't say the same for their singing...
  4. No this is too different RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE
  5. By driving it, of course. Just strap your car to the top.
  6. No prob. If you can't get a long enough cable, at the worst you might have to end up moving your computer closer to the living room. If it turns out to be too inconvenient, try to see if there's a checkbox or some other way to "save login/password" or something. It doesn't make sense for them to have an off-line mode if there's no way to use it...
  7. A wireless router functions as a regular router too, so just plug it into your internet connection, and plug both computers directly into the router.
  8. Ever wondered why the company is called "Hori"? Hm...
  9. Well, I don't think it was supposed to be anything fancy, just a proof of concept.
  10. Apparently I'm who thought he sounded like James Earl Jones.
  11. Ouch, that's no good. Hope you use screen protectors.
  12. I know exactly one person who is definitely going to be interested in this. Besides me, of course. Fufufufufu~
  13. Heh, I think it just takes practice.
  14. Hm, I don't see why people wouldn't quote a post in the middle of the thread...if they just randomly reply to someone, it confuses the people in linear mode too. But if we're going to go with one or the other, I'm for getting rid of the silly threaded modes. I'll never understand what compels people to make their lives harder with extra scrolling and clicking on every post they wanna read. And some posts don't even show up in threaded mode.
  15. Is there a way to record both the mic and mixer source at the same time? Then only one person would have to record the conversation and not have to worry about delay and stuff.
  16. It won't fit into the holder, but that's about it.
  17. That fact that this person plays Runescape pretty much means he/she(?) is 12 years old. Also the video was awesome.
  18. Hmmmm...no solid floors? This has potential. Or it could be another banned stage.
  19. Dhsu


    "Mrmf" is Dale North.
  20. I wish you fortune and happiness on this most joyous of days. ...or at least I would if I weren't CRUSHING YOUR HEAD. Crush crush crush crush crush...
  21. Well, the eggs aren't fertilized or anything.
  22. So uh, it sounds like they didn't get the message when the Ice Climbers stage was banned from competitive play.
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