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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I don't think that's a legitimate criterion for determining the validity of a ReMix. A lot of people can't identify the source for my Chrono Trigger arrangement on first listen. Actually for that matter, some people can't identify the source period, even after being told what it is. And yet if you pay attention, you'll realize there's a direct 1-to-1 correspondence between the arrangement and the source.
  2. Nice article, Coop. In retrospect, I think the deletion of UnMod ended up punishing the innocent, and just making the guilty very angry. OffTopic's, erm..."erecting" process could probably have been achieved just as easily by renaming the forum, stating the rules, and banning anyone who broke them afterwards.
  3. I'm concerned about a couple things I've seen mentioned in several decisions, but never formally outlined in the submission guidelines; namely, minimum length and encoding rate. I feel that ReMixers should be aware that arrangements under a certain length (around 1:30 from what I've seen) are very unlikely to be accepted. Likewise for submissions encoded at 64kbps or lower. Or maybe it's already been addressed and I missed it. I also advocate drawing a stronger distinction between the traditional and OCR definitions of "arrangement" and "remixing," as they are significantly different from each other. Although the OCR definition of arrangement could probably be inferred from the appropriate section, I didn't find any mention or warning against extensive sampling, i.e. traditional "remixing." Again, if I've missed something, I apologize.
  4. Haha, get it. But really, is this what it takes nowadays to get people to listen to Chopin? Sigh...
  5. I too am interested in hearing your progress. In the meantime, I have to say Majeliss's posts freak me out just as much as ever.
  6. He didn't, he left the prepositions lower-case (like a good English grad). Man, I'm getting "Owners of Lonely Heart" flashbacks.
  7. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11018 Dafydd's particular idea is geared towards NSF covers, but I think it'd be pretty easy to adapt it for your own contest. I can't guarantee a significant turnout, but we do have some talented trackers at OCR, so you never know. Might try posting at some chiptune communities too.
  8. Now the name "Hylian Lemon" suddenly makes much more sense...
  9. Man, these would make great Spamusements.
  10. Haha, an OCR raid would've been truly epic lulz. FULL FORCE
  11. I didn't have time for it yesterday, but I'll get around to making a post today. Don't you worry your little Russo-Negro head, Larry.
  12. Judges can and do change their votes when presented with new information. I know because I've done it before.
  13. I'm surprised that these aren't actually *more* pornographic.
  14. It's a decent game, but I can't say if it's worth $20... Perhaps consider, er..."trying"...before buying.
  15. Ah, nice to see there are digital pianos for those with lower budgets. I was almost prepared to blow a few grand on a Clavinova... One important consideration for me, though, is the means of getting the audio into my PC. Saving as MIDI onto floppy or USB would ideal for me in terms of convenience and flexibility, but if necessary I can deal with recording directly into the computer, in which case the sample quality will need to be fairly decent. In either case though, what sort of cables and other accessories would I need? Also, any opinion on Roland digital pianos?
  16. Agreed, looking forward to seeing this on the site.
  17. System restore? If that doesn't work, I think a Windows re-install is in order...
  18. I remember that, and I remember being heartbroken that it didn't pass (yes, I liked it that much). Listening to it again, I still think it should be on the site (after a couple production fixes), but oh well. Anyway, chth, if you're not gonna work on this anymore, then submit it already.
  19. Sweet. Lots more potential for creativity here than trophies ever provided. The naysayers are just mad that they can't look up Zelda's skirt anymore.
  20. Is there a consensus on the best NES emulator, btw? I was looking at FCE Ultra, but some people were recommending RockNES over it.
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