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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I've gotten one NO vote ever. (It was from Larry.)
  2. You've got a decent arrangement here, but according to the site submission standards... Which is too bad, but that's what djp decided. I recommend submitting this to Remix:ThaSauce.
  3. I knew it wasn't very likely to pass, but it was the one I thought had the best chance, being the only one besides the Duke Nukem Jam that was over 2 minutes (of the ones that I downloaded anyway). There's also some stuff that pushes it beyond cover territory in my opinion, such as the original backing bass and drums, as well as the harmony guitar parts later on. The style itself is also pretty original...the Prelude hasn't really been done like this before to my knowledge. I dunno, I might be mistaken...there might be a dozen arrangements that sound exactly like vertexguy's, but I haven't heard them. Yeah, the mix could stand to be 1-2 minutes longer with some expansion, but I just wanted to point out the positives.
  4. Dhsu


    Neat. Looks like a Cave Story character.
  5. Yeah, Chris's stuff is cool, but his arrangements tends to be on the straight (and short) rock cover side. Edit: I dunno, his Prelude mix might have a chance at making it.
  6. Do you play piano by any chance? There was a person by the same name at the Gamingforce Forums a long time ago.
  7. I got a t-shirt, too. 15 shirts out of 244 entries comes out to about a 6% chance. Not bad.
  8. Don't forget to fill out a FAFSA. Lots of other good info on that site. You'll also want to take the SAT and/or ACT at some point. You can register for the SAT at The College Board web site. They also have some nice articles to help with planning for college. Also, as a homeschooler myself, I found it was helpful to take community college classes. Lots of colleges accept them as transfer credit, and they're easier and less expensive than their 4-year college equivalents.
  9. I see. It would definitely make sense to just rename the game "Pokemon Red/Blue" or "Pokemon Red & Blue" then, unless there's other game-specific data that's actually relevant to the site database. Anyway, not familiar with the source here (can't say I've been impressed with Pokemon music in general), but this ReMix is pretty tight stuff. The reversed segment was a cool touch.
  10. I've never played the games, but do they actually have separate soundtracks?
  11. This is what I got this morning: I'm just gonna go ahead and say PWNT.
  12. Well, most of the bonus songs are actually licensed, it's just the bands are more indie/obscure. For example, a "Trogdor" remix obviously would not make it on the site, since it's from a Flash animation. I think the only one I'm positive was made exclusively for Guitar Hero was, uh..."Guitar Hero."
  13. Yeah, please put your Last.fm playlist on the same line as your sig.
  14. Awesome, now I don't have to click "Back" multiple times to get out of the ReMix page.
  15. Just go to bed, man. You're not gonna die if you don't see it the instant it's posted.
  16. Is there a list of the bonus songs that are original?
  17. That seems like an equitable solution. Project threads get General spotlights, so it makes sense for compos to get them too.
  18. Dimension Breach キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!! It's much faster than I thought it would be, but still great nonetheless. Hope to see these on OCR soon!
  19. Supertux has never failed me. Thank you, Supertux!
  20. It's also kind of gratuitous in the first place.
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