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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. My latest receipt:

    Lucasarts Adventure Bundle - $2.50

    Complete Shooter Pack - $3.74

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky (ROW) - $4.99

    Rome: Total War Gold - $2.49

    Indigo Prophecy - $3.39

    Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Double Pack - $2.49

    Machinarium - $9.99

    Grand Theft Auto IV (US/AU) - $7.49

    Funny that the most expensive game on the list is an indie one. :P

  2. You don't need two heroes to chain the Shield of the Five/Plated Greaves effect. The cooldown is 25 seconds and the effect lasts 30, and it's 25 mana, so it's designed to be a quasi-permanent buff since you can hit it every time it wears off. Still, combined with shields and Keeper's armor, it can be pretty aggravating to lane against the two trees.

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