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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Haters gonna hate, Brad. This thing looks heck of awesome. I've spent hours just trying to get subtitles to show up on MKVs streamed to the 360 (still aren't working actually, haven't bothered to try again), or 5.1 audio on the PS3. If I watched streamed stuff on a more regular basis, it'd easily be worth the $200 not to have to deal with that sort of sh...enanigans.

  2. I'm going to be taking a (temporary -- I hope) hiatus from the OHC, to focus on my various personal projects, some of which include original songs that I want to flesh out and polish.

    This in itself may not be such a newsworthy event to be posting about it in this thread, but I did want to say this:

    When I started the compos back in June, it was because I wanted to get better at music, specifically making music on the computer and using FL Studio. I had all these song ideas but didn't know how to express them, I just didn't know the tools well enough. As I expected, the compos really helped me improve in that area. Now I am at the point where I feel ready to do that, hence why I am now taking a hiatus to work on my songs.

    What I got that I didn't expect was new friends and a sense of belonging in a community. I think it really just hit me at MAG, when I met face-to-face so many people I knew through the shared experience of compos.

    So thank you starla for the OHC, and thanks everyone for listening to my music and critiquing it and helping me improve, as well as just making music and having fun together. Keep rocking, you guys are awesome <3


  3. Promise me but one thing:

    That you shall always and forever keep her birthday separate from Christmas and shall NEVER give her gifts that "are for both occasions."

    That just sucks.

    Unless they're twice as big as the gifts they would've gotten on separate occasions otherwise. Sometimes consolidation is a good thing. :)

    Congrats, CotMM!

  4. did you even bother to look at the specs of that particular card first before posting that? that's a dual-gpu card, hence the SLI in the name. it's two cards on one chip to save space.

    a notebook graphics card isn't like a desktop graphics card. a 9800M wouldn't be dropped in like a 9800GT would be. it'd either be integrated onto the motherboard or installed directly from a factory. laptop graphics cards fall under the same pricing distinction as good agp and pci only cards do - if you need it, you've gotta pay a premium for it. hence the 1k pricepoint.

    I don't see anything about SLI on the card I was referring to but the AGP/PCI thing makes sense.

    Unfortunately, kittykar's laptop is actually more expensive now even without the operating system, since there doesn't seem to be an option for a CPU under 2.5GHz. Also the graphics card in question is actually a 9600M.

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