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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. But I don't want to NOT play them. I hate having shit I can't use, so I sell or toss them, and what happens if I get the urge again later in life? Old games are about impossible to retrieve without whoring yourself on the herpesite Ebay.

    Never had a problem with eBay.

  2. 9500GT for $20

    PNY is not the most reputable but c'mon 20 BUCKS. They still have a 3-year warranty on 9 series cards (might have to register it), and by the time that's over it shouldn't even matter to you if it breaks.

    Edit: It's not as good as your 7900 so not the card for you if you're looking to upgrade. Whatever just use your OIL MONEY to get 4 x GTX 295 quadruple-SLI jajajajajajaja.

  3. I'm reasonably sure you would need to remove the demoman and the sniper (or at least headshots)entirely to make that work. Nades have no falloff at all, and stickies are only subject to it for 5 seconds. The other thing that jumps out at me as being a problem is that all weapons do 100% damage to buildings, regardless of distance. Spread is the only thing that cripples non-explosive classes' ability to deal with them at long range.

    Damage percentiles are a huge part of the game's mechanics, though, so it's safe to assume they're not hard-coded. Totally viable.

    Hm... Not sure how you'd map for it. The only two designs that come to mind are King of the Hill and Red Rover.

    Just make it melee and sapper only.

  4. A few people at work play this religiously. So I had one give me their 21-day free trial and have been at it for four days going on five.

    I still berate them for playing such a fucking stupid, prosaic, and laughably entertainment-less game.

    That's weird because all I could think of when reading Planetfall was how much it felt like an EvE fanfic.

  5. Really? I feel like it's the most balanced console currently, though the increasing number of Games for Windows titles (along with neat peripherals like 3D Vision, TrackIR, and the Falcon) is making the PC a pretty viable alternative nowadays.

  6. I'm tempted to get a PS3 almost entirely for the PSX/2 upscaling, but you have to pay attention to model numbers to make sure you get one that's actually backwards-compatible. Blu-Ray is definitely nice to have too.

    And Nekofrog's definitely right about the RPG thing. Right now, the PS3 exclusively has Valkyria Chronicles and...Cross Edge. Apparently Valkyria Chronicles is great though.

  7. I don't know why people are getting mad that pub democracy did not go their way. Okay just kidding I do know but really, SpectreShot was just one vote, I don't see why he's getting all the flak. Shpla could've just as easily votebanned SpectreShot. And didn't ducky just post a rant about how vote commands were mostly harmless and anyone should have the right to use them at any time for any reason whatsoever?

    Also doesn't Chadly have admin? If it's that big a deal you can just cancel the vote.

    Edit: I play Disney Afternoon and Pokemon songs, but only during setup. :3


  8. Pyro. Always. :-D

    And the noise goes beyond 'well, I'm not right next to someone I should be fine.' That's the normal watch or the C/D. The DR is like 'well, I'm not in a half mile of someone, I should be fine.'

    Seriously, that thing is loud.

    I guess one thing I never figured out is whether friendly spies make that noise when they decloak too. If they do, people would probably just as soon ignore it if they can't see anyone at the moment.

  9. I've been trying to get good at the friendly disguise tactic for a while now, but I just never remember to re-disguise as an enemy after dying, so I end up getting killed by a sentry or something. And then everyone laughs at how much of a noob I am. :[

    As for the noise, you shouldn't be uncloaking next to people in the first place. DR spies should be relying on stealth first, their disguises second, and cloak only as a last resort to get to a place where they can disguise again. The main hurdle is getting behind enemy lines in the first place since you can't cloak manually, so using a friendly disguise is just a good way to activate the cloak. Taking falling damage is also an option - it has the advantage of not needing to worry about making the death convincing (due to the enemy wondering either why you're not firing your weapon at all or why you died so easily), but has the disadvantage of being a bit location-dependent.

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