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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I don't remember threatening bans, although I was tempted to start votes a few times. I did kick once (and only once as far as I remember) mostly because I was operating under the assumption that the purpose of the server was to have fun, and if one person was making everyone else miserable and was not even having fun in the first place, the way to remedy the situation for all parties involved was to just remove said person. But since atmuh's whining obviously takes precedence over other people's enjoyment, I'll just use /votekick from now on.

  2. I didn't say they should farm EVER. I just mean that when, as Pestilence, I'm farming a lane after the ganking and pushing phase has already started, making sure I don't push out too far by hard-denying my own creeps, I don't want to see a slither/pollywog walk up to me and auto-attack away until the lane is pushed too far for me to safely farm. I have a reason to be there, support heroes don't.

    But isn't this what jungles are for? Nobody else was neutraling that game.

    That said, if you see a guy heading towards "your" creeps, just say "dude, I need this wave" and anyone in our group will gladly back off. Don't expect a newbie to understand automatically why you're completely going guano because he's doing something he's been doing for 95% of the game so far.

  3. Still interested in Doom 3 and RoE, but I'll probably just eBay it eventually if you wanna take the listing off.

    I don't even remember asking for the phone, haha. I'll probably eBay that one too though, unless anyone has a Samsung Mantra they want to part with.

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