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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Disc 2, track 13: Sweet Dreams

    Hehe, this one is so not my thing at all, but I still get to hear it in this context.. I can tell it's really quite good. Some commenters in the review thread said the piano was a little too quiet/sax a little too loud, I agree (others don't), it is slightly overbearing. I have to actually turn the volume down to enjoy it.

    Hehe, it seems to be a love/hate thing with this track. From my understanding, it would've been hard to get the piano any louder without clipping because of the range in dynamics, but I do agree the sax probably should've been brought down a little.

  2. 'Kay, fixed broken links to my stuff, and added links to my new remixes, as well as Blak_Omen and MC's "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo" and MC's "Scriabin's Long Library."

    Can't do much about the other broken links since they're hosted elsewhere, but if anybody downloaded the files before they went down, I'd be happy to mirror.


    Added sheets for Reuben Kee's "The Place We Knew" and "Ryu for Four Pianos," along with MC's "Dream Shore Fantasie-Sonata" and the OCR version of "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo." Mad props to Sooty for notating these ridiculously complex arrangements!

  3. The comic book shop me and friend went to (his regular stop) was out of the free stuff by the time we got there, but he was also giving out leftover stock so I picked up Incredible Hercules (Love & War Part 3) and Justice (Chapter 12). And also a copy of Deus Ex for $2. :3

    At the next place my friend got Resurrection/Tek Jansen, and I was about to get TMNT but the guy was like "one per group" and we're like "wtf" and he's like "I don't make the rules" and we're like "what about that pile behind you" and he's like "that's for subscribers" and we're like "okay w/e" and left.

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