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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Read up on spines, it's not laughable. It stacks and his slow -armor. Also, spines when you kite and tank means more spine stacks. He can rack up some pretty fat damage when he's farmed Mock. He was a potent jungler in DotA I heard, never tried it but that might definitely help him rape more.

    but yeah, I don't have much to say because I don't have the experience.

    Someone explain to me what kite means, and more importantly WHY IN THE HAIL PEOPLE CAN'T JUST TALK ENGLISH.

  2. There was some thread someone posted about bugged graphics, with that pic (minus the commentary there), and a few posts later someone posted "Want to see your map? TOO BAD IT'S ME BLACKSMITH" - maybe zircon or someone else can link the thread.

    Hahaha, awesome.

    Also there's really no point in Pyro class other than to run around and rack up kills for yourself. There's no other class in the game that can get as many kills as a good Pyro can on a decent team. Stealing most along the way.

  3. Yeah, I've gotten that a couple times (except without the reboot D: ). However the more important issue here is that JOIN OUR CLAN AJAX PLZ.


    So, to anyone who's played them, how do League of Legends and Demigod compare to HoN?

  4. The easy answer: Dominate your lane.

    Longer answer: He can't get you if his lanemate is low hp and you and yours are high hp. He can't turn around a losing lane. He can only help a winning lane win more but this isn't simple for him because it becomes a 2v1 lane where you have the advantage.

    Too bad I am total balls at laning. %^(

    That said, this thread made me rofl - http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=26682

    I need to start quoting it during games.

  5. Yeah, I am definitely epic failscoot, but whenever other people play him I seem to die within 30 seconds of getting back in my lane. D:

    It's programmer jargon.

    Jargon shmargon, if they were REAL programmers they'd know it's a reserved word for "procedure." :<

    Anyways, I decide to go add this newfound knowledge to the glossary, and lo and behold, it appears I now have a rival...errr, fellow wiki editor! It seems he's done the admirable task of completely filling out the rest of the definitions. So yeah, huzzah for a non-useless glossary!

  6. Keep in mind that most of the people being complained about (either way) aren't even registered forum members. You won't hear this kind of drama coming from, say, me, bardic, Wes, tensei etc :P

    I've actually gotten the rage end of the Tensei stick more than once, but the best was when I was trying to recruit help to gank a dude at the bottom, and c3lly just happened to be on his way to refill his bottle. I thought he was coming to help me, but since he didn't say anything and had his sound off to listen to the soccer (YES SOCCER) game, we were both oblivious to each other's actual intentions and I casually yoinked the rune. Hilarity ensued (but only for me). :lol:


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