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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. For some reason whenever I tune into Rainwave there's a 50/50 chance this track is playing at that very moment. :P

    Honestly this gives me a bit of a Kikuta vibe in places. Reich is usually not my bag, but I think the catchy percussion (both marimba and synth drums) keeps the repetition from becoming monotonous. And I've always admired Mazedude for paying tribute to games and composers most gamers wouldn't be familiar with, all while making it sound awesome. Great work, Chris!

  2. Not all of them, just the uncompleted ones. Like the 43/50 I had for Strike Zone. And the two-thirds done A Year To Remember. EDIT: AND PYROMANIAC $#!@#$%

    Meanwhile my 1400-point Medic stat is untouched. :evil::banghead::cry:

    Edit: Hahaha, I saw this on the Steam bugs thread:

    I spoted very big mistake about sniper. Then you zoom with your weapon and shot, you hit the spot that u want to hit, but you can hit it without zoom too cuz then u shot without zoom bullet goes the same way like with zoom. It isnt very good to know that i can hit the same spot that is far away from me with without zoom like with zoom. This bug alouvs people to stick some paper or other thigs at the midle of theyr monitor and shot like with zoom then they dont use zoom.

    Sorry for my english.

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