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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. See, Cyan's dialog is a great example of the style done RIGHT. Shoulda gotten that dude to translate CT.
  2. That's an interesting take on the character, but one that wasn't in the original game.
  3. Ah darn, I guess they expire after a while. Anyway, it was just an advanced search for posts in the Judges Decisions forum with "OCR0*" in the subject line in the past month. According to the results, the only *YES* decision in the past month was "Malevolent Mansion."
  4. Oh hey look what I found. Looking forward to your album.
  5. Sorry to all the Black Friday workers... As for the actual deals, it does seem like pretty slim pickings this year. I did find one that looked promising (nuvi 205 for $130 at OfficeMax), but it ended up being cheaper on eBay after 30% cashback, and with no sales tax. But I guess it's hard to compete against a 30% discount in general, especially from a 3rd party. Oh well, I guess them's the breaks.
  6. Because it wasn't Old English, it was a painfully inadequate attempt by someone who had probably read a single Shakespeare poem in his life. I'm really, really glad they did away with that distracting travesty of the language.
  7. In the market for a Virgin Mobile (i.e. prepaid) phone (e.g. Super Slice, Slash, Wild Card). Lemme know if you've got a spare.
  8. I think every 360 game supports custom soundtracks out of the box. Just fire up a playlist and it should keep playing when you start the game. NXE probably actually even let you do this in-game.
  9. I picked 192kbps only because there was no option for 192kbps MP3s + FLAC torrent, and I imagine a few others did too, because voting for FLAC as the only option is impractical (although I guess people could just use them to make their own encodes). And even then, more than 15% wanting FLAC is not exactly an insignificant figure.
  10. Really? I've yet to see a Survivor team make more than 10% progress in a level. Maybe it just depends which campaign you're playing.
  11. Here's the list of remixes that were accepted this month.
  12. Yeah it was in a 4chan thread that Nekofrog linked, just mash Q and right-click to get rapid-fire melee. Then again, they also said you can kill zombies by stomping on them.
  13. I think Moguta would be more qualified to answer, but I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with transcoding as well. Having only lossy encodes available just makes it a headache if you ever want it in a different format. Basically the same reason people distribute 10GB Blu-Ray rips...it doesn't have the highest demand, since most people are satisfied with their 480i DivXes, but at least it's an option if you need it.
  14. If by so bad you mean awesome to the max. Regardless, I think it'd be useful as an admin-only option for tagging remixes and integrating a tag search into the site.
  15. I thought the whole point was so they could burn the whole thing to CD? And even if they decide to download only half the WAVs, it would take them as long as it would to download a RAR of the entire album.
  16. The chiptune download pages still show Supertux links.
  17. "Sale/want Thread: It's a Secret to Everyone!" j/k, it's "BUY SOMETHIN' WILL YA"
  18. Hey Bahamut, do you still have that extra copy? I have a friend who's looking to get the game.
  19. I was looking for Uboichi's "Duet of the Keyblade Masters" but couldn't find it because apparently Kingdom Hearts II doesn't show up under 'K'. Edit: Neither does Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
  20. Hahaha, you sound like some old British dude or something. Our project is coming along swimmingly, the site is absolutely delightful!
  21. I don't think it'll last me hundreds of hours like TF2 already has (it's sad, I know), but even if it's only 30-40 hours or so, that's about how long your average single-player game would last you.
  22. Dhsu

    Mother 3

    Lemme know if/when you have problems.
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