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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Good call! I've heard it's a bit grindy though. Yeah, I left those out because it would involve either importing or pirating, which is kind of a hassle.
  2. Haha, you guys are too awesome. I think I'm going to take bonzai's suggestion and use "RIMB" (Rambo Is My B...uddy) until he stops failing so hard.
  3. He wasn't saying you were being sarcastic, he was saying Skrypnyk was being sarcastic and that you didn't realize it. Replying to your posts does not mean someone is stalking you. If you don't want people to reply, then the Internet is not for you.
  4. Diablo II is for pussies, real men play ANGBAND. Kidding aside, I'll second Grandia II. Excellent game, and it's the only other JRPG I can think of for PC. I've heard Anachronox is pretty JRPG-like though. And if they like Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic might be for them.
  5. Rambo's post just reminded me... Should I take off my "RIMK" (Rambo Is My Kryptonite) tag in light of the EPIC FAIL on pl_dustbowl last week? YES/NO
  6. So glad my ears aren't sensitive enough to tell between $500 and $50 gear.
  7. Heh, I'm flattered. This might be just my opinion, but I think "wrap it up" voice was fine. Yahtzee doesn't exactly have the most stimulating tone either, but his humor manages to keep his videos interesting. I guess it'd be hard to go to your normal voice at this point though, as you've got a bit of a precedent now.
  8. Especially if they have Tesla troopers, which IIRC can't be run over.
  9. If they were being srs bsnss they wouldn't be uberchaining. It's pretty much strictly a "for the lulz" strategy.
  10. Yeah, there's plenty of other stuff that will take out infantry like flamethrowers, dogs, Tanyas, artillery, anti-personnel mines, etc...
  11. I dunno, I tend to just take it as motivation to suck less. For example, their infamous dual-engie Turbine setup is pretty much impossible to break if you let them get it up, so after getting rolled twice with that strategy, I switched to Heavy, went straight for the battlements, and mowed down half their team.
  12. Very nice, much easier to follow than the last one, possibly because you have a considerable amount of experience in this area yourself. I started to drift at the end, but that was probably my ADD kicking in.
  13. Does high gravity still mess up stickies after it's turned off?
  14. Well I'm tired of being sniped at 99% ubercharge, so you're on your own bub!
  15. Worth it solely for "Assassin." I don't think I've ever been more satisfied playing a music game.
  16. I play TF2. Doesn't matter whether I'm at the top because it's fun no matter what. Alternatively play the Fallout trilogy.
  17. I would extend the contest until the end of tomorrow. I might not be able to make it, but I'll at least try.
  18. Guessing from the site name and banner it'd be Ampache.
  19. Good choice, I got one of those recently myself. Kicks the butt of those 8800s everyone was raving about a few months back.
  20. Are you gonna do a collab with Prot lol. ('Cause you should. :3)
  21. It's so...chibi! Only one controller though?
  22. I'll take the WarCraft BattleChests. PM me your PayPal info and I'll send you the money as soon I get it.
  23. Yeah, that wasn't overly intuitive to me. All the other random options did it in alphabetical order and like someone else mentioned, "pure random" doesn't work at all.
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