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Steffan Andrews

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Everything posted by Steffan Andrews

  1. The deadline for completion of most of the tracks is coming up very quickly, so things should start to move soon.
  2. Dude, you're way late. We're into 5th page already
  3. Apparently djp is doing most of the graphic design stuff
  4. Thanks a lot for all the wonderful comments everyone, it's a great inspiration to me to have feedback.
  5. The execution and form of this piece is consistent, to say the least, yet holding that fact true, it's consistent in being very minimalistic. I did enjoy this track but was a little disappointed. There is nothing wrong with this piece, but I was expecting more body to this, and a larger instrument base in the more active parts. If reworked, this track could be excellent but in my opinion it is not finished yet. There's a lot more that could be done with this, as I was just taking note in my head as I was listening, more than several instances where there could have been much needed additions to the score. Keep at it though, what you have here is nonetheless commendable!
  6. The subtle tremolos and harmonic complexity in this piece is great, it adds an element of captivation and makes the listener want to keep listening. The timing is overall not bad and the flow of the entire piece is extraordinary. A great job done on this track! Very inspirational.
  7. I absolutely love this rearrangement and I do not believe the so-called "lack of complexity" of the arrangement itself as stated by some is any deterrant from enjoying this piece. I have never played Dragon Warrior III, but I listen to this arrangement all the time because it is thoroughly enjoyable. The quality of the instruments really helps it sound great, and no, this isn't soaring brass and full orchestral all the way through, and why should it be? If you put it into a particular context, it works even better, such as if this track were to be used in a film score. It's perfect. The auditorium noise fits very well in my opinion, and it is a great idea to add that extra stroke of realism to a piece. When the hiss levels seem to increase at about 3:28, I think it actually adds more realism to the "recording idea." Since it is a quiet part, it would seem that if this were actually recorded with an orchestra, the recording engineers may increase the volume at that point. And the dramatic release with the brass after the crecendo at 2:55 is totally amazing. Thanks Russell, excellent work. I'm impressed as always! This one, for me, is a keeper.
  8. Seamless and flawless for the most part in my opinion after heavily listening to this track. A totally superb job on this mix by StarBlast and likely my #1 favorite Chrono Trigger rearrangement! Don't miss this track.
  9. I agree with Jivemaster on this track not being my best work. It was sequenced quite a while ago (in 2000), during the time that I was first learning how to create music using a computer.
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