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Newbie (1/14)

  1. 1. Banjo & Kazooie 2. Isaac 3. Chell
  2. I live in Lacona, NY. Zip code is 13083.
  3. Happy Belated Birthday!
  4. My laptop isn't very good, but I'll give it a try. Is there something I have to download?
  5. It kind of sounds familiar, but I'm not sure why. My sister said she thought it sounded like something from Twilight Princess, but she wasn't completely sure.
  6. 1. Pikachu 2. Skull Kid 3. Vector the Crocodile
  7. Can't wait, it looks pretty cool. The fusing with the wall thing is interesting.
  8. For me there are three reasons. The first is to see if a game is any good. I'll check out some footage and if it looks fun I'll stop watching and buy it. The second reason is the player. Some have good commentary,others are so pro its amazing, and others are so terrible its hilarious. The third reason is its fun. I've watched my siblings play games (and played with them) for years, so I guess its only natural for me to enjoy watching other people play games.
  9. For me there are three reasons. The first is to see if a game is any good. I'll check out some footage and if it looks fun I'll stop watching and buy it. The second reason is the player. Some have good commentary,others are so pro its amazing, and others are so terrible its hilarious. The third reason is its fun. I've watched my siblings play games (and played with them) for years, so I guess its only natural for me to enjoy watching other people play games.
  10. After I get a new computer I might consider buying a PS3. I'll have to do more research first. I can guarantee you that I won't be buying a ps4 within the next 5 or so years, especially if it costs 500+.
  11. I watched the first episode of The Familiar of Zero. It was decent so I'm going to keep watching it. I'm also going through Cowboy Bebop for a second time, and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Naruto with my sister.
  12. I just started, my username is Couchpotatodx.
  13. More Majora's Mask remixes? Can't wait!
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