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Ronald Poe

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Posts posted by Ronald Poe

  1. I think that if you added a nautical rap (most hip hop beats have a rapper adding variety) or a second piece (maybe something from the infamous Atlantica musical or the battle theme from KH1), this would be a fine KH remix that this site desperately needs. I love Kingdom Hearts and think the games are under represented here (most the pieces in the franchise are excellent and many of them could lend themselves to a great remix). 

  2. I think the title is definitely fitting (I can picture 2 great warriors fighting with this). The arrangement is good and the whole thing sounds like something out of a big budget action movie. At times it sounds a bit threatening but I think that just adds to the intensity of the theme. The 7/8 bars are just barely noticable. How do you go about writing good heroic themes anyway? 

    Have a nice day ...

  3. Hoboka, I immediately listened to your remix because I was wondering how a Christmas remix of a boss theme from Parasite Eve would sound. I think you pulled off that ridiculous idea well and it certainly gives a "Carol of the Bells" feel (it's the 9th track for those wondering). What'd you think of my piece, guys? Hope everyone on OCRemix has a great Christmas (Merry Christmas!).

  4. I personally didn't care for the first Candy Corn album (it wasn't my cup of tea). However I consider this sequel to be a vast improvement and a solid album in its own right. It gives off a spooky rave feel and is perfect for a Halloween dance party. The tracks are fun and have creative interpretations of good video game music. "S is for Snake ..." is perhaps my favorite track on this album (I'd be a little sad if it doesn't make front page) and makes great use of Metal Gear Solid samples. Overall I like it.

  5. Sorry for messaging you my picks rather than posting them here. I still want to join the competition when you have enough competitors. 

    For my pieces/characters, I choose the following.

    1. The Creature - "Den of Worship"
    2. Nathan Graves - "Awake"
    3. Carmilla - "Repose of Souls"

    Please check for midi's of those pieces and sign me up. Have a nice day.

  6. I re-listened to the piece after the eval and have a few criticisms I didn't notice at first. First that shrill cat-like string (I think) synth that appears often after the first minute has got to go (it clashes with the melody and has no place in a Pluto theme). I can't see any problems with 0:50 but 1:02 definitely has some harmonic clashing going on. I still like this mix but sampling Square isn't allowed sadly. Sorry if I sound harsh but it's still pretty good.

  7. As many know, I love Kingdom Hearts and it's one of my biggest influences. I'm always all for KH remixes (there's surprisingly few of them on this site but the series has mostly great music) and am working on one myself (a Christmas remix of "Riku" theme). That being said, I thought this was pretty good and fits Pluto very well. It's mellow (the same could be said of the original theme though) and a little playful in tone. I like it and think it's interpretive enough but you may want a third  non-biased (because Kingdom Hearts and its music are my favorite) opinion. 

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