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Ronald Poe

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Posts posted by Ronald Poe

  1. Am I in this contest? If so when will it start? I'm rather excited despite playing neither Megaman GB nor Shovel Knights. If I'm on a team, I'll probably remix the parts provided by my teammates and have someone else master it.

  2. I haven't done a contest since that RPG contest in August 2016. I think I'll be on the Robot team (I'm more familiar with Megaman and know almost nothing about Shovel Knights) but do I have to choose a source tune like last time. I have an eccentric style and would prefer to work alone. Have a good day.

  3. First is "Birth of A God" (FFVII). It's a great boss theme but sadly overshadowed by "One Winged Angel". 

    Second is "Dreadful Fight" (FFIV) because of it's so catchy for a boss theme.


    Next is "Kefka Theme" (FFVI). It's a perfect representation of Kefka's character and has a delightfully deranged circus feel. I've been thinking about remixing this one for a while.


    Finally "Overworld" (FFX) for being an awesome Metal tune.

    I think that should be a good start. 

  4. Yeah, you've more or less got it right. It just has to be from a video game and not be a field, town, or dungeon theme. Are you interested? What piece would you pick?

    Just wanted to add that as much as I love Pokemon, only battle themes from that franchise are allowed because of the abundance of town themes. I love Lavender Town as much as the next guy but it doesn't fit with the theme of the contest. That is all

  5. After I got second place in that RPG project, I did some thinking. Why can't I host a remix contest? The idea is that each member chooses a video game piece they like and create a RPG field/town theme out of it. It can be anything from an RPG boss theme like "One Winged Angel"  to "Gourmet Race" (Kirby)". However it can't already be a town or field theme.

    Round one will be a remix of the chosen theme and Round 2 will mix that theme with an original composition/beat I will provide.  Message me if you want to participate. I'm sure this will be a lot of fun. The summery will provide most of the rules but if anyone would help me with them, it'd be appreciated. I'll judge the field themes myself but would prefer a second judge.

    Have a good day.


  6. I meant at least 45% of the the remixes on the site (there are plenty of great mixes on the site already). It really is exceptional and high quality. I'd actually like some pointers on how to incorporate 3 themes so seamlessly and in such an epic way. Keep up the good work Ghetto Lee Lweis. 

    I'm going to continue remixing and writing original music. I'm currently in a Terranigma project and remixing "Dr. Beruga". 

  7. As I expected, I lost but at least I gave it my best. Congratulations Ghetto Lee Lewis, I feel you deserve the win and are a truly great remixer. You should remaster "Poke And Tear" and maybe extend it (it should have all 3 sources though). I feel it's a near-masterpiece and better than about 45% of the remixes that made it on the site. 

  8. I thought it was too repetitive as well (to be fair, "Xehanort Theme" is very repetitive and loopy) and the bassline was entirely original. I'm fine with you fleshing it out but the way the three were blended perfectly. It was a near-masterpiece of remixing and deserves to be on the site. Please just be conservative with what you have (it's more than good enough). 

    I still have a lot to learn and would like some pointers. 



  9. There's a Doom 4? Do you mean the Doom reboot? Anyway I heard your entry and ... it's flat out amazing. Sounds better than a lot of registered mixes on the site and quite a few professional RPGs too. I love how you gently weaved the three pieces into something great. I don't think I stand a chance but at least I made it to the finals. Afterwards, you should submit it to the judges (I'd love to see this masterpiece on the main site). 

    I'm not giving up on my music yet and will drive to make it even better. Also have you heard my entry? What do you think. I personally think  Leliana would be a good match for Xehanort. He's a master strategist, swordsman, and manipulator with the power of darkness mastered as well.

  10. You're pretty good, Ghetto Lee Lewis. "Fransokoyo" isn't a remix though (I wrote it myself) but was an original tribute to Kingdom Hearts (I often write tributes to characters and KH) and Big Hero 6. I also checked out "Requiem For the Beerless" and like what you did. You'll definitely be a worthy opponent and I hope to be one for you as well. 

    Good luck.

  11. I think you're definitely got a style and a rather nice one at that. You're Wario medley had me dancing in my seat and was insanely catchy. Your original compositions and Azalea Town remix are quite good as well. 

    I have a low self-esteem (it's getting better) and suffer from high anxiety. I understand being depressed and it really helps to remix and compose music. Keep up the good work.

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