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Ronald Poe

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Posts posted by Ronald Poe

  1. Hi, I'm writing an antihero theme and/or remix and would like some tips. I guess putting a heroic theme in a minor key could help. How else can I evoke an antihero like Shadow the Hedgehog, Venom, or Kratos (God of War).
    Here's a few examples of antihero themes.




    As you can see, antiheroes come in many flavors. Any advice would be appreciated. 


  2. Thebitterroost is right, there's tons of NES games without remixes here. I'm still waiting for more Battletoads (either the NES game or the arcade game) remixes (those 2's soundtracks have great dance grooves throughout). Milon's Secret Castle might have been on the AVGN show (that might explain the lack of remixes) but sometimes bad or mediocre games can have great soundtracks, right?

  3. I'm thinking about doing a remix of "Riku Theme" (KH2) but I'm not sure which place to submit the demo when it's done (got any suggestions). I'm doing it in my own style mixed with Dark Psytrance. Anyway the first demo won't be submitted until at least a few weeks later. If you accept me for this , then I will do my best to make my mix truly badass and original.


    Good luck to everyone and I hope this album turns out as great as the last 2.

  4. Would "Riku Theme" (Kingdom Hearts 2)  be okay. He's either an antihero or a hero with dark powers depending on the game and/or who you ask. He's certainly a Badass and one of the protagonist's biggest allies and friends. I've always been fond of the character. I feel his theme is real dramatic and would be perfect for an album like this. 

    I'd probably do it in my version of a Dark Psytrance style with maybe some slight dubstep influences. I won't have a demo ready for a while though ...

  5. I've decided to make a Devil Survivor (I've been playing a lot of that game lately) remix but I need help crafting a decent lead. Could anyone help/collaborate with me? If these 2 tracks sound good to you, P.M. me at Ocremix forums. 

    I'd prefer the lead to be in C major and at a tempo of 120 so I can mix it better. I usually make my tracks 2 minutes long so yeah. The lead can be in any style you want. Either loop or midi will be passed.
    The idea is a Belberith (more or less the main villain of the game) battle theme.  I personally write trance but some influences from other styles are fine.
    What do you guys think?

  6. I'd like a link to the Discord server? For the record I chose "Tonight" (FFIX) as my piece (it's the only one that I could find a MIDI for). I think I can add some interesting accompaniment to the simple loop and go with my signature Trance style. Does it still have to be over 2 minutes? I mean the piece itself is only 15 seconds. 

    TSori, would you mind helping me with my "Sherbet Island" (Mario Kart 64) remix?

  7. I might not be much of a team player and I'm definitely eccentric. However I like Final Fantasy and agree that Nobuo Uematsu is one of gaming greatest composers (up there with Zelda's Koji Kondo and Yoko Shimomura in my opinion. I'd love to collaborate with someone and wouldn't mind taking a track (could you suggest me one) either. Here's a couple of my tracks.

    Remix of "Carol of the Bells"

    Original of mine. 


  8. Happy New Year, guys. I'm personally having trouble with my source for TurboDrift album, "Sherbet Land/Frappe Snowland" (Mario Kart 64). My problem is that the source is ultimately too upbeat and repetitive even for me. I'm wanting to do a Psytrance arrangement that's a bit of a dark reprise of the piece. 

    Could anyone help me write a lead for this remix I'm working on. My only real requirements are that you keep the inspirations I P.M. you in mind, put it in C Major (to help me harmonize it), and at a tempo of 120 (so I can work with it better). It can be MIDI or a loop. My pieces are usually only 60 measures long so that might be a tip too. 

    I'll give you credit if you help me and it will be a collaboration of sorts. I can make it worth your while so does anyone want to help me. 

    Here's the source.

    Sorry if I sound a little demanding, I have a few mental issues (including Asperger's and severe anxiety) and haven't collaborated before.

  9. I still want to do Battletoads (both the arcade version and NES version) as my choice for the wheel. Maybe Eternal Champion (Sega Genesis) and Frogger 2 (PS1) if allowed. Thanks for allowing me and I hope this becomes a regular compos. 

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