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Ronald Poe

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Posts posted by Ronald Poe

  1. I was curious how one can take a melody/theme villainous/darker/evil sounding. I love the idea of dark reprises and was curious how to go about this. I write electronic music and remix in a similar style (i'm quite eccentric). I have a few themes I want to do this with and would like pointers. 
    I know things like occasional  tritones, minor keys, diminished chords, and accidentals are important but what else>?
    One of the pieces I want to do a villainous remix of (not having much luck due to the upbeat and repetitive nature of the piece).


  2. This is an actual remix and I'm sharing it. It's a Final Fantasy themed mixture that took many creative liberties but I think the result is cool. Tell me what you guys think and what I can improve on. It's done in my signature style and I'm ready for criticism. Read the description in the link and Enjoy. 

    Three sources.




  3. Hi, they call me Ronald Poe and I hope you guys are having a great day. Here are two original trance pieces I wrote recently. Tell me what you guys think and how I can improve them.They're both character tributes meant to evoke their respective character. I'm probably not good enough to pull either theme off but here goes.

    First is a fan-made Palace/character theme for Makoto Niijima (Persona 5). I went for a somewhat elegant yet rebellious trance piece. I know she's a popular character so there's a bit of pressure. It's done in my signature style.


    Second is a Dark Psytrance (or at least my interpretation of it) tribute to Venom (the Spiderman villain). This is my first attempt at Dark Psytrance and I felt the style might fit Venom well. It's a little more melodic than most Dark Psytrance but who cares about that. I personally think Venom would make a great bonus boss for Kingdom Hearts 3 but ...


  4. This is an attempted Trance remix of "Brinstar" (Metroid) for a contest. I tried to give the original  an update my way (I have a rather unique style). After the contest I redid it and think it turned out good. Tell me what you guys think. Enjoy


    Here's a couple original pieces of mine


  5. Happy Easter Fools (Easter + April Fools Day) OCRemix, I entered as well. Probably not going to win and just did this for fun (feedback would be nice). However if I do win, I pick a mixture of "One Winged Angel" and "Birth of a God" or alternatively something from the Kingdom Hearts series (Maybe "Traverse Town"). Those would be my picks if I ever win but here's to always hoping and doing my best. Good luck and have a good day.


    Also does anyone else get Pokemon Red vibes from this theme (I know it predates Pokemon) ...

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