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Brandon Strader

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    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
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  1. You're being deliberately obtuse. There's absolutely nothing wrong with posting a link to a funded Kickstarter. It's not a charity. When you back a Kickstarter you get things in return, and you become connected to the project to stay on top of updates and other bonus stuff like stretch goals. That's completely different from posting a thread called "Give me money", unless of course you're offering things of appropriate value in return. And again, Jimmy hasn't "left OCR" just because he doesn't participate on the forums. He's involved in several unannounced projects among other things.

    At some point you need to stop being so cynical and negative, and instead of trying to troll and get people riled up, contribute positivity instead.

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