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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I think you should adjust the mix before running it through the tape reel, but that is an AWESOME idea. I might give you some thoughts later on, after the round is over.
  2. Just you I think, keep close attention in the future and all should be well. :-) No worries.

  3. DUDE! Don't worry. It's cliche to say by now but REAL LIFE is infinitely more important than whatever we are doing here. You are not beholden to me XD Take whatevver time you need and I'll be here when you come back. Just promise you won't leave forever without letting me know how to contact you. :-)

  4. I think we could definitely stockpile footage from this upcoming MAGFest for a youtube video.
  5. That's fair enough man, I apologize. Ocre didn't tell me nothin'. And Wii U doesn't suck! I think it fell short of its promise to support hardcore gaming, but it's still good. Its games are getting crazy scores (above 9 out of 10) but they're just catered to a specific part of the Nintendo demographic.. with games like Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World. While they look good I ain't exactly jumping off my seat to go pick them up. On the other side though you've got PS4 where the family gaming or casual gaming basically involves Angry Birds (at like a $50 price tag) which is just ridiculous, and Knack which the critics pretty much destroyed. I don't agree with the reviews because I played Knack and I really loved it. It's challenging and it's not even really a button masher. You get 3 combos and 2 other types of attacks, but the enemies aren't frequent enough to really make it a button masher. And if you get hit twice or so you're dead, if you play on Normal. Well, maybe it's just my perception of the gameplay. My facebook got spammed by PS4 achievements yesterday and a couple of them were "Kill 100 Robots" and "Kill 100 Goblins" from Knack. I didn't realize having fought that many enemies. It looks pretty amazing in motion, and reminds me of Uncharted for whatever reason.. maybe all the relic hunting, and some of the locations, such as this one ^ I haven't even tried Killzone or Assassin's Creed 4 yet, anyone else have? I might be a little intimidated by Killzone
  6. A remixer interview series could be an awesome idea, sort of like a remixer spotlight. It'd be great if the interviewee had their own video camera of course. I'd watch this series. I like the Unsung Heroes idea but not the Source Breakdown one. I don't think the latter would be good or interesting. Tutorials could be good if they covered general knowledge rather than DAW-specific knowledge. Not everyone is going to have the same DAW. The way Remixer Spotlight could work is to send some questions to a remixer, have them answer them in a video after reading each one out loud. Edit the reading out, replace it with on-screen text, followed by their answers. Like they do on a pro level.
  7. Yeah I'm considering switching my vote for Sixto. It'd be the first time someone who didn't participate won their round! :lol:
  8. In Beatrix vs. Kain, and Lenna vs. Locke, you need to vote for one of the competitors

  9. It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun. I might start writing on Wednesday, but we'll see. If I get particularly tired, I might start as late as Friday. I did make them all right before midnight, and I had the opportunity to delete that one, but thought it would be nice to leave it up and let people vote for MindWanderer. Everyone likes being voted for, and who knows how next round will go. He put in the work so it's no problem that he gets the votes.
  10. You insult me like this then give me an infraction for insulting another user? SMH. At least with ocre he knew it was a joke, since we literally talk to each other like that all the time, almost every day, on IRC. I rarely if ever see actual insulting posts dealt with, and I used to report posts and instead of anything being done about them I would be interrogated for reporting them like I had done something wrong. Thanks for adding insult to insult. Yes, the comment to ocre was out of line, but it essentially boils down to "this thing is lame", "your mom is lame" pedantic retort. It wasn't some world-shattering, thought-provoking insult. And all of this scolding me for trivial stuff is putting the thread way off course, when we should have been talking about the PS4.
  11. Well it is good that it is far away from mag fest or ff13-3 at least, unless I missed some other release date... this seems OK. A bit late indeed.
  12. That's great, this is the PS4 thread though. I knew it was available on PC.
  13. I think you should definitely make sure to pronounce Marle as "Marl-udu" and Chrono can be "Chronuru" That'd be hilarious
  14. Thanks! Hey, it happens. While Hakstock's has the better production, people will hopefully listen a little closer and see who worked in their sources most fluidly and enjoyably. Sure, it may go to Hakstock, but as long as you gave it your all and are practicing and getting better, it's all good.
  15. People may disagree with me but I calls it as I sees it, if that is interpreted as flamebait by some then... nothing I can do about that. Has anyone been playing Warframe? It's really good, and it would be great to have some other OCR people to play with. I played the first level with 3 random people and they seemed to just want to run through the level to the end, then they had to wait on me, because I was playing like a normal person. I ended up fighting off all of the enemies on my own, because I guess they either come back or have more waves of them appear after a bit of time. I ended up finishing the level with twice the EXP anyone else had, and went up to level 3 just from the first level. It's not a FAST paced shooter, which I like. I don't like the twitch stuff so much in multiplayer, and it works well here because trying to do a twitch shooter on a console where you don't have twitch controls like on a PC isn't good. The aiming is accurate, though, and easy to adjust. It doesn't whip around the screen, so headshots and accurate firing is pretty easy. The only thing that seems a bit off is the melee fighting with the samurai sword. It seems less fluid and it's hard to aim at what you're trying to hit, especially with the charged attack. There's a little bit of a delay on that. The jump and swing down melee attack turns the screen red like it's some huge move, which seems silly and unnecessary. But as a whole, fighting with a samurai sword is always awesome. I dig the controls and the movement. It's third person. Can't think of a FPS off the top of my head to compare it to, maybe similar to Mass Effect but I haven't played that in long enough to remember, and never played the 3rd game. Pretty sweet for a free to play, it never asked me to buy anything with real money.
  16. Nah, stick around, it's all good. We're all having fun here~! Another reminder about voting, just put the artist's name in bold. Nothing else.
  17. you were a bit premature If you think it's wii u, wii u isn't even really part of this generation, and good reasons why it won't be Xbone have been stated at length
  18. Votes in that match-up won't count towards needing to vote in every match-up, but I'm leaving it open. Vote for MindWanderer, cause he deserves it.
  19. Yeah. That was an oversight caused by people not naming their files properly. Fixing and reuploading. Note for future rounds: It is your character vs. opponent's character. NOT... opponent vs. you. Some people just sent WAVs with the title. If I weren't such an overachiever, I'd probably be super strict like DarkeSword and disqualify said people... HOWEVER, I fixed stuff this time. Folks, please follow the naming guidelines in first post.
  20. You made it, but barely!

  21. The voting lasts for the week that Darkness Bracket is remixing. We're missing Hollow and Sixto.
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