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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I THOUGHT WE WERE REMIXING ALLY THEMES THEN I CHECK THE FIRST POST AND IT'S NOT IT IS NOT i'm so disappointed I'm gonna make a splash woman cameo anyway
  2. What a maroon! I shall make it... some other color... oh yes... Thanks for your WIP, which was quite fun, and sounded like it will be a really energetic song! Everyone else be more like Flexstyle and get me some wips within a week!
  4. Ducking is when you compress your song so hard it quacks
  5. Matt's probably asleep now. Any reasonable person would be. I linked him my "final song", though we will obviously need to tweak a lot of things. No first render is a final render. He allowed me to name the song Temporal Duality. It's an honor to have the title of the album, thanks! You can hear it when the album comes out I guess.
  6. Truth be told I don't know how long OCR's gonna last but I figured if I flooded the world with music then at least there'd be something I would be remembered for when I'm dead. Maybe, who knows. It seems like as good a way as any to express one's self and leave something behind that is meaningful. Unless that meaningful offering gets STUCK ON A PANEL FOR YEAAAAAARS!!!!!!! Heck I might be dead before some of them are judged!
  7. Thank you for reading my tweets You're the only decent person here who I'd wager hasn't done unspeakable things to the elderly this is a completely random sentence ^ i've been up for almost 24 hours gimme a break
  8. I ain't in it for the titles, or the math! I suck at math! I'm in it for the people-hearing-my-music and even the nice write-ups from djp, those are always worth looking forward to.
  9. My name green (Hi green nice to meet you, this is dog.)
  10. Sony made a smart decision to release games for their upcoming console, and also making PS+ much more viable by putting free games on it, and making it necessary for online play on PS4.
  11. It's not officially confirmed but there's a pretty strong rumor that he signed a 6-movie deal. Also why is nobody talking about Matt Damon potentially playing Aquaman?!
  12. If you could have any game made by any developer, what would it be? This is basically a "dream game" thread, but rather than post just a general game you'd like to see be made by anyone, this is specific -- games made by certain developers, probably based on existing IPs, possibly in the style of (or a mixture of) existing games....... for example...... Naughty Dog presents Doctor Who Torn Banner Studio presents Call of Duty: Medieval Warfare Level-5 / Studio Ghibli presents Pokemon
  13. Make sure you download the free H.264 codecs so you can make good looking videos with smaller file sizes
  14. I'm gonna put my song on Youtube on Saturday night (close to midnight, seriously) It's been ridiculously hard to keep it secret as long as I have. I love it so much. D:
  15. Gigli That's about it But that's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much
  16. Offer a suggestion, all you can do is share your opinion. It's really not your job to "teach" anyone. You're not a professor. Whether they learn has little to do with your opinion of their mix, and more to do with their own experimentation. Trying to force the "right way" to do something on someone is just wrong, because there is a multitude of correct ways to get something done. You can say "This would sound better if" but stay away from "the ratio really shouldn't have to be" "It should only be" "while doing _______ it's really important not to" (unless it's something finite, which it wasn't) "you should always" or "you should never" "not to mention killer studio chops" "i worked as hard as anyone"
  17. I got those numbers from Prince of Darkness. Use them wisely. Edit: though technically for the release try anywhere from 30 to 50, or thereabouts, use your hears. You don't want it to be too long because it's just for the snap.
  18. Yeah, I know how to do it, I don't know what it means or how to explain what it does. I just know it's good.
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