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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. You gonna have a wip for May 1st ff3? I am REAAAAALLY looking forward to this one :-D

  2. Man you wanna sell me a free code for $30, why didn't you want to play the game though? I WANNA Know, is there something about the game you don't like? Is it not your type of game? You must be able to play it if you just got a new graphics card. o_o edit: Can I haggle you down to $25 CASH! plus throw in 2 album song previews from albums of your choice? (my songs only of course) *doesn't make a lot of money, likes to haggle* edit2: I figure the song preview thing doesn't sound like a good deal if you don't like my muzaks
  3. ...wat.. where'd you get this code? This... back alley under the table code?
  4. Still no Tomb Raider for $30 or less?
  5. Here's an instrumental of Liquid Metal you could sing along to http://brandonstrader.bandcamp.com/track/liquid-metal-instrumental
  6. Acapella, barbershop mixes, ain't nothing wrong with making those and there's no more effective way of demonstrating the human voice on its own.
  7. I don't have a following but i'll post about the album at length on facebook when it becomes available xD And you flippin-butt knows it I want to do vocals for albums or songs! Of yours! And maybe other peoples'... I DON'T KNOW mainly yours~!
  8. Battlefront III being cancelled is probably the nail in the coffin. I didn't even know it had been started / cancelled. I kept mentioning it as a joke not knowing it had a history. That's really sad. I think The Force Unleashed, the first one, was not bad at all. It had its infuriating moments, but for a company to be "liquidated" (if that's the right term here) is pretty harsh considering that there WAS a spark of quality in some of the work.
  9. Interesting stuff. I hope busta still has a job, he can get one easily though I bet if need be. And yeah the games were bad, monkey island remakes were amazing though.
  10. She is going to be making assloads of money from DVD releases and printed "teaching" materials and that kind of junk. Makes you wonder if she licensed all the footage and content for the DVD release. If she did I could understand using the nearly $160k for that and sticking with regular quality videos.
  11. I'm sure you can, Mr. Tubes! And flippin ass SIXTO finished his LAST REMIX for the album... Goshdarn, that's 3 of 'em.
  12. 0RSkLtl.gif

    Totally gonna (try) to work on Fairy Battle probably on the 4th or 5th

    aaaand if you wanted to make a wip for ff3 for may 1st that'd be rad but if you can't is understood

  13. Mono and vinyl sound and all? There wouldn't be a hang up about "production quality" or audio quality?
  14. Would OCR allow a ragtime waltz like this: LIKE that, obviously not a remix of that.
  15. Now now, there's no need to diminish his contribution, especially after I said I was specifically looking forward to it
  16. And they're mostly men, like in this thread. How silly of them! I'd fault sixto. Always fault sixto. Depends on how you define complaining, and where you look. There's a lot of people who have been asking where it is. I doubt most of these people know her personally. What do you mean 'people like Arek'?!
  17. man, I will be listening to this album because you did most of the songs and your stuff is not Subpar.
  18. I know this guy who has awesome music but no backing band, you guys could throw money at him in some way to get his music on stage. Can pm you with more details if interested
  19. That seems like a strange way to prioritize things, but yea, it gives people some time here, if Nutritious is cool with that.
  20. Hah! Good point. I actually slept the whole day. I missed a lot of the entire internet's events, but oh well. AND I WILL SHUT UP YOU SON OF A DAIRY FARMER. Besides everyone knows Ctrl+F5 is all the rage.
  21. I gotta say, at first I was like "ehh" but after thinking about it I think that's fine. If they got remixes they'd be great to have but if you just sent it in for eval I'd be pretty satisfied with what's here, and it's been so long in the making.
  22. That's good. OCR can become a seasonal site and only be open during December while the McRib is in.
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