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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Why the hell are they still showing the Vita footage? They should really be trying to sell this with the ps3 footage
  2. Chrono Symphonic is pretty bad. I can stand behind ToN's sentiment. Besides, if you want an album to sound the same, make a solo album. I for one, prefer community albums to maintain the community's personality and style.
  3. I loved the sphere grid but it seemed like you didn't get enough time to level the whole things up. And switching party members in for every fight was a drag.
  4. They're not people, that's the thing you're having trouble getting over... they're fictional characters. Even if I was gonna humor you, they're not humans, they can use magic.
  5. WUT I thought it came out today. I'm so sad.
  6. The main thing to remember is if body odor isn't "shown" or referenced in the game in some way, it does not exist. This is a fantasy world after all, things only exist if they are meant to. We can't just 'assume' that people get B.O. in Spira.
  7. He was just being racist because Spirans look like middle-eastern type people.
  8. Man, companies always say stuff like that to try to scare people into buying games. It rarely if ever works. :-/ The people who would buy a DuckTales game are going to buy it either way.
  9. On GMG Viking: Battle for Asgard is 75% off for the weekend, plus it stacks with the 20% off digital coupon. I can't recommend this game enough, seems like it slid under everyone's radar, but it is brilliant and deserving, for much more than $3, but there it is. I don't know how it plays on PC though, I had it on Xbox360, should be good though. Very good game. I'd buy it myself if I didn't have such a big backlog, and BioShock Infinite coming out in a day. :/
  10. Hey! Ain't nobody got time fo bonus tracks! How you doing with your main Bionic Commando remix? :twisted:

  11. It's surprising for people who didn't check imdb specifically for reasons not to be surprised.
  12. ....is 17gb. Holy cow. Still not as big as RAGE though which was 22gb. I was surprised there was no thread for this game. I was almost as hyped for this as I was for Ni No Kuni. We will see in about 24 hours if that hype was justified, though if this is even 75% as good as BioShock 1 was, this will be an amazing game. I watched a lot of making of videos already, which I recommend to anyone looking for more insight into this game. DISCUSS!!! *in Hercules voice* EXCITED!!!!
  13. I never had anyone to talk to about Spartacus (arguably one of the best shows on TV, until the series finale soon ) so I decided to make a thread. Now that it's pretty much over. Try to keep spoilers to a minimum, or use the white text thing to hide spoilers.. But yes, EASILY a top 5 TV of the last decade IMO, everyone needs to see this show. It's better than Game of Thrones. It's better than a lot of things. The original actor who played Spartacus in season 1 died of cancer, and it was really sad. The guy who took over for him ended up being really incredible too, but the original Spartacus was irreplaceable. R.I.P. Andy Whitfield Anyway this show would probably be a hard-R or NC-17 if it went through the MPAA for movie ratings, instead it is a TV show. It's really gory, has nudity (including the knob) but generally the story, characters, acting, sets and atmosphere are all top notch. Not sure what else to say, let's discuss the sad end of the series and remember the good times eh?
  14. I thought being a professional musician just meant that you get paid to do what you do. If that's the case then a lot of us could be considered pro. Remixes and stuff we do out of the kindness of our hearts (which I love all ya for) could be considered pro bono.
  15. I did a dubstep metal song for FF9, no growling tho
  16. I agree with halc, and yeah artists should do what they want. You are all lucky that I can't hear Forest as a death metal song. With growls about mushrooms and dark forests! Hmm that ain't half bad... hmm... hmmmmmm....
  17. I will crapstep on your face. Just for that I'm adding dubstep bass to Forest remix. This type of disrespectful intolerance... CAN NOT BE TOLERATED!@!!
  18. I'm just hoping it actually looks as good as FF13 and people weren't lying all this time
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