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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey hey, thanks for the update. :-)

    Do you record with the jam group or just figure out arrangements that way? Seems like recording live like that could potentially get sloppy unless you are all really super professionals (which is totally possible, I don't know!) :-D :-D :-D

  2. Do you mean this one? Hahahah,... that's actually kind of adorable, because as an adult we can see that it's totally not scary at all but I can totally see how for a kid it would be horrifying. You always imagine things bigger than they actually are when you're a kid.
  3. Hey! It's ok. I don't know what ALL I can do, but I'll try stuff. And if you could tag me as "Brandon Strader" like you did on the Strahl song that would be AWESOME!! Right now the only things tagged for me are Strahl and some creppy mixtape someone made. :-) I was never particularly big on using soundcloud because they don't let you upload very much. :/

  4. Just the nurses. Always the twitching nurses. And generally any dog-like thing that runs and/or jumps at you. I played Slender but I didn't have an investment in who I was supposed to be as someone randomly wandering through a repetitive forest collecting pointless notes. When I finally saw Slenderman he just stood there and I didn't particularly care. I kept walking and it just turned to static and made a loud noise and I was basically "What's the point of this?" I didn't enjoy or really see the point of it at all. On the other hand, Amnesia was so scary I stopped playing it pretty early on.
  5. For one thing, if Floor Jansen becomes the new singer for Nightwish, that band will be better than it has been in years, and even better than it was with Tarja, so maybe... better than ever. As for new Avantasia, I was like WUT?! A new one? Booted up Spotify and found The Mystery of Time (2013)! Time to hear some new stuff. I wonder who sang on this one. >:] I prefer Ayreon over Avantasia and there's a new one of that possibly coming out this year or next year, so... pretty exciting times.
  6. Should be able to in Version 6, which djp is working tirelessly to finish, possibly and hopefully (at least I hope) in conjunction with ff6. I think that would be pretty epic. But at the moment no, no youtube embeds.
  7. Hey, Zircon just sent version 7 of the WAV -- have you been keeping up with these? I'm about to download it, check it out, and give him a thumbs up or thumbs down for it before I go to bed. Been up for 23 hours.

    Also I reposted your kickstarter video on my channel in hopes that my bunch of subscribers would see it... well, it only has 30 views so far and 5 likes, so that seems to have flopped hard unless people get home from work/school/bed or whatever and look at it. Wanted to help but auuughh.. I hope there's a rush later today. It's still early.

    I hope I wasn't too picky about the echo but I really wanted it to be perfect :-D

  8. Solid, man! And for anyone wondering, I'd be happy with just knowing what direction you want to take your song in, what plans you have, stuff like that. It IS a little disturbing that there was 3 months between the start and this wip date without much progress but hopefully things will speed up for the next date. Thank you all for your time and help making this a really great conclusion! Edit: Alright, first post has been updated with DarkRed for people I haven't heard anything from recently, also made a "finished" list. The next WIP date is July 1st, please provide an AUDIO WIP for this date!
  9. A few people have let me know they won't be able to turn in a wip, but.... there's a lot of people who haven't checked in, and no recent wips for this wip date tomorrow. I'll be updating the colors in the first post to show who has missed the date and who is current with red (missed deadline). So if you'd prefer to not be on that list, either turn in a wip OR let me know what's up. Give me some assurance. No biggie. Next WIP date will be July 1st. I'm going to be expecting audio wips for that date, and songs that do not have an audio wip may be up for grabs with a substantial wip. We'll see how it goes, though. Thanks y'all! !

  11. That's what I was asking you for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hah silly goose I meant something from Sonic CD :-P Something that would be very melodic and help with some of the part writing, final boss is kinda repetitive and doesn't have a whole bunch to it :-o

  13. Just so I know dis 100% is there any song I can mix with my Sonic CD remix? Another source I mean?

  14. I bet I'll make the song like I'm supposed to before a date when not having it done becomes a burden.
  15. Eh not a bad deal except I already beat both Dragon Age and Dragon Age 2, and I doubt I'd be able to play them again x_x Maybe Dragon Age 3. But not twice. Ha, ha.... Not sure if anyone's aware of this site but http://dailygamedeals.com/
  16. Yeah I think I can turn this in for evaluation once we get that final song and I wanna include a cover art by halc, so this may be a lot sooner than I expected. I thought I had to include the website and trailer too. Now I can focus on those a bit later while the music is evaluated. Give it maybe a week, maybe a week and a half, we'll see this badboy out to sea.
  17. Who's running the Vroom album? :-o

  18. Oh ok. I thought when they changed the standards, I had to have trailer done in time for evaluation... hmmm... no problem then! :-D

    Also if you're worried about cutting the T-shirt I was wearing out for the ff6 thing (if you even got any of it), don't worry... It was specially made for me and the guy who made it passed away.. so there probably won't be any complaints about its usage. Very very sad. :cry:

  19. This sounds exciting :-D YOU SAMPLED MY BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FF3 Bacon Win

  20. Haw! Gario's doing a great job. I am excited!! I am preparing the songs for the trailer, which I'm looking forward to trying to make. It'll be super simple but effective, I hope. Anyway, here's 30 second clips of the songs I'm thinking of putting in the trailer, might have to drop a bunch due to length but we'll cross that bridge when we get thur. http://www.bstrader.net/bc_preview.mp3 Hearing 30 seconds of a bunch of different songs should give you a pretty good grasp of how great this album is going to be. Thank you all SO MUCH for your hard work and dedication! We're almost there!!
  21. I love this, and I'm a big fan of punk. It's unfortunate that people disliked this on youtube probably because they're anticipating Balance and Ruin, that's completely unfair. And the snare is definitely present in the beginning and quite splatty, but I feel it sits pretty well once the music really kicks in. I love the chiptune elements. I guess I'm not particularly familiar with Anamanaguchi because I thought this was a lot more energetic and raw, with a sweet gallop. This mix pretty much combines all of the best parts of punk music with the added greatness of chiptunes.
  22. My bad, I got confused with another Japanese person. /shrug Hironubo Sakaguchi is actually hanging out with an old Final Fantasy programmer, which is where the confusion came from, so hopefully that leads to even more potentially awesome games.
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