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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Remember back in the day when a new Squaresoft game came out and we would buy it just because it said "Squaresoft" on it, and then it would be awesome?
  2. They kinda lied, oh we have to make it episodic so we don't lose anything and because the game is too big! Oooooooh ok. Sure. Yeah. I mean be honest and say you want more money.
  3. I liked their reasoning for doing the remake, because they are getting older. Not only is it a perfect time but in light of recent events it's always cool to go back and work on something you did again especially when so many people love it. Sure there's the financial aspect of it but with a lot of the same people working on the game you know they are doing it because they love it and they want to see it in an actual good form... Original FF7 looked like poo when it came out and even comparable to other PS1 RPGs looked like poo... nothing but goodness will come from this I forgot to respond to this LIAR IT WAS ON MIDI
  4. There's a bajillion RPGs that expand ATB and sell like 20 copies on release day Buy one of those! I'm doing stuff in the version released on PS4 yesterday that I never did in the game before, specifically get chosen by Don Corneo, and the date with Barret, and gonna try to kill all the various Weapons but I think I actually did do that before, I just don't remember. Certainly remember fighting them all, such as the underwater one, as well as Ruby weapon. I think there was just those 2 that roamed the world and there was another one that attacked the clinic I think or was near the clinic
  5. Aww man, I thought you gentlemen weren't gonna argue about the battle system! If you want ATB couldn't you just play the original like I am doing on PS4 now? It comes with an awesome FF7 Remake Theme that plays Aeris's Theme on Piano.
  6. Ok that is a fallacy argument that I can't let stand. And you did indirectly mention his lack of embiggening when you said "Cloud's apparent anorexia". I am also triggered by your assertion that hamburgers make people fat. I say someone who is as drug-addled as Cloud (yes Mako can be considered a drug) is thin because of his bad health, which even thin people can have. Has nothing to do with whether he eats burgers.
  7. As a PSA type thing BUY THAT FF7 PS4 PORT! It comes with an amazing FF7 Remake theme... not original game theme, actual remake theme. Look it.. Plays awesome piano music too. Game's narrative and the small details are the best, I've fully accepted whatever type of iteration Square has in mind for this remake, whatever they do I am on board I read the fine print that said the music was actually from Distant Worlds! Or were you talking about something else? Also you only thought Cloud was bigger because he was 3 polygons How mind would your blown be if it turns out he actually appears stronger as you level up? Like for real instead of how we imagined it when we were kids with crazy overactive imaginations No Tifa in there! Jesse!
  8. Hrmm I probably put it a little strong. I think Cloud's skin should definitely have the type of look it does (and I especially dig the facial details) due to the Mako.. CID should definitely have the smoker look to him more than Cloud who had a different type of toxin, but I doubt they will go as far as what you'd expect in real life for someone of that age. I think what they made clear with the other characters (who appear much more clean) is that living under the plate for so long didn't have too much negative affect on them. Maybe they sell special lotion. Maybe it's weird that I judged all the characters based on their skin quality.
  9. This is the single greatest Square-Enix trailer of the last decade The small arms are awesome. I like how his skin looks a little bad too. Fits the character, the whole mako thing. Stopping just short of making him look like a chainsmoker is a good idea and makes sense.
  10. I think it looked incredible and I almost cried, but I was too shocked to cry
  11. Maybe my expectations were off....but if that's the case it backs up my original review
  12. The show is about a detective who solves cases for people using her strength to intimidate, etc.. your points would be spot on if the show was about sexual conflicts. Maybe it's closer to a Sex in the City vibe than 50 shades. But there's definitely at least a shade of 50 shades in there. And it's really not necessary to the narrative of the show.
  13. If anyone does 1,500 reviews, I will be your slow loris
  14. Sorry for the delay. OK, so it has been a while since I've watched it, a couple weeks or so. From memory. Compared to Daredevil, I felt like in Jessica Jones there was a lot more emphasis put on gender. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is put so far in the forefront. Whereas in Daredevil, you just follow the character, no explicit sex scenes, nobody going "Wow, she's so strong and that is unusual because she's a woman." I never read the comic and I'm sure they were just being true to the original material. But there were a lot of "sex scenes" in the first 5 episodes alone. Which again, is not that big of a deal to set up a character, but I question whether the amount of detail, and the sheer amount of sex scenes, was really necessary to establish the character, and what their intentions were by going as far as they did. As the show goes on it becomes more clear that Jessica is vulnerable despite her strength, and has been involved in some very negative stuff with Kilgrave in the past, which is gone into in a lot of detail. Not saying it was completely unnecessary but again I question why it had to go to the extent that it did, and whether this was written specifically to "trigger" people or exert by force an amount of drama based on her gender rather than her merit as a character. Ultimately there's nothing wrong with having a vulnerable female protagonist but I thought the treatment was too shallow and relied too much on shock. At the beginning of 1 of the episodes she had a contest with a man where they're both punching a punching bag to see who is stronger. Of course Jessica wins and says the man's a bitch (my paraphrasing), then explains away her strength as having done a lot of pilates.. it's just absurd. By comparison I also thought Luke Cage's story arc was too stereotypical. I loved his character. But I found myself questioning why the character had to be so violent and at times fly off the handle when it wasn't necessary to go as far as he did. (I'm not talking about the moments when he gets mind-controlled by Kilgrave. That made sense.) The whole arc where he finds out that a drunk bus driver may have been responsible for his wife's death and then suddenly becomes an angry murderer felt very shallow and out of character. There's the sex scene from 50 shades where he says "I don't want to break you" so he slows down, but then for whatever reason he flips her over and goes harder? What the hell is the significance of that? If I were to watch it again rather than just point out a few specific things from memory there's probably more I could mention, but there's some moments that stuck out.
  15. If anyone wants to take on the challenge for fun you could review all my mixes That'll get you the 50 reward and close to the 100 reward, which seems fitting
  16. Is that a serious thing that you'll come to someone's house in a dog costume and play music from Animal Crossing? Cause if it's not true I'll see you in court
  17. My computer is so old I could almost upgrade to a potato 2.5GHz processor and I thought it had 8gb RAM but some of it must be bad. Said I was using 50% and all I had was 2gb used by Cubase and Google Chrome was open... I don't know, maybe I do have 8, but it doesn't let me get anywhere near to using all of that. After I move soon I'm going to try to double it at the least, 4GHz and 16GB ram.. would be nice. Not going to upgrade though, going to get a new computer. This refurbished gateway from 2006 is going to be retired for softer work.
  18. Defend it as much as you want, it doesn't matter. There were enough sex scenes, including violent sex scenes, in the first 5 episodes that I would not recommend the show to friends or family. Though I did recommend it to a pen pal. I am not tumblr, your explanations for why such scenes are justified might fit better there, or maybe they wouldn't. You may see it in a more positive light but I did not, and I found them to diminish the strength of the character, and I found the stereotypes and treatment of the protagonist sexist. And there is a violent sex scene taken straight from the pages of 50 Shades. Agree or disagree, I don't really care, just saying my piece and if you don't like it, fine. If you want to argue, go to the Tropes thread.
  19. If you don't want peoples' opinions then don't make a discussion thread.
  20. I will reiterate in part my audio review of Jessica Jones, partially redacted for work purposes, and transcribed into text form: "Jessica Jones! Poor man's 50 Shades of Gray; I can't afford to read, I don't buy books! But I'll subscribe to Netflix..."
  21. I think you found out from the thread that there is no "BEST" headphone.. however, I'd like to aim you at the Sentey ThorX. I've never seen a product rated this highly on Amazon. They're $40 and they can easily go toe to toe with my AKG Q701s. Very high quality headphones, durable, stainless steel frame and includes a semi-soft shell case. Listening to them now. Very good headphones.
  22. The only issues I ran into when upgrading from Win7 to Win10 were with software not working because I hadn't updated it in a few years. If you upgrade to Windows 10 make sure you actually update your programs too. For example, the eLicenser Control Center you get for Cubase needs to be updated once in a while.. I didn't know until my version was so old it didn't work properly in Windows 10. But the latest version I put on worked perfectly.
  23. I hope to do this next year, just can't swing it right now for personal family reasons.. figured I better say why I ducked out this year for anyone who may have been wondering
  24. I liked Pixels. The critical reviews are probably more because of Adam Sandler and how people don't like him, than the actual movie quality. Even Ridiculous Six (based on the trailer) looks like it'd be pretty funny. Nintendo is censoring Xenoblade Chronicles X among other games, not that I was necessarily going to buy a Nintendo product, but now I am really not going to buy a Nintendo product!
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