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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. No more MAGFest! No more MAGFest! I implore you all to: cancel your tickets cancel your passes don't take time off sit on your asses save all that money spend it on toys cancelling magfest shouldn't be choice saving ALL the money REJECT COMMERCIALISM!! REJECT LOW QUALITY PRODUCTS!! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!! GET MAD!!
  2. If you wanna toss my DoD entry on this as an extra song that'd be cool :3 here's the update: http://www.bstrader.net/remixes/silverandgold.mp3
  3. I thought I sent a profile feed message but I probably did it wrong :/ Jorito and Zyko need added too, not sure if either of them are on the list already!
  4. Pagan's Mind kinda dropped the ball after Enigmatic: Calling, and then stopped making albums which may have been a good thing. I feel like their best overall album was Celestial Entrance but they probably couldn't match up to that again... though Enigmatic: Calling was pretty amazing too, probably almost on par. Caligula's Horse seems pretty dang cool.
  5. Literally not what he's asking for, and literally not something I'd expect people to be able to do, either within a week, or within a year. I think you're being overdramatic and misinterpreting what is wanted in the compo. Writing a remix to "fit the soundtrack of another game" could mean almost anything, especially depending on the soundtrack. Something limited to chiptunes could become almost anything, whereas soundtracks with better samples like FF7 range from piano, acoustic, orchestral, rock, and beyond. There's practically no limitation and whether something fits into a soundtrack is subjective.
  6. I made a remix last night....... and I made one a few days before that! Before that I hadn't made one since like January.. it's madness and chaos I say. You guys are still gonna have a huge gap in 2017 where there's no mixes from me to post just from barely doing any this year
  7. Modern game flood, remixes of games from ps3/xbox360 era and forward to ps4/xbone
  8. Cool idea, a week would be fine. People are remixing in a similar style, they're not adding on to the OST of said game.. not that big a deal.. It would be a good exercise and sounds a lot of fun. Plus they don't have to be super obscure soundtracks that people would have to study deeply. And besides besides, you could probably get the gist of a soundtrack from hearing just a couple songs from it. Or if it's a really good soundtrack like Dante's Infero you can get the gist of it from one song
  9. I know! It's a joke and so funny to us regulars. But ask anyone who has been to the site and left why they did so. I was just pointing it out to be constructive, not to hurt anyone's feelings. For what it's worth I honestly don't know how to fix it. I know the choosing process takes a long time to get new judges, and even if there were 50 of them it wouldn't guarantee that they'd all judge often enough that the panel wasn't so far behind. And I don't know what it's like on the back end, maybe the way the inbox or updating the text-based stuff slows it down too. I'm sure the uphill battle of it makes it unappealing right now.
  10. It couldn't hurt. Panel is due for a good purge. Maybe the fear of losing their title will get some of the less active ones moving.
  11. Do the nightfalls and the Dragon Strike to get your Hopscotch Pilgrim, that isn't going to be made irrelevant... sure the attack stat won't match up to new guns, but the crucible doesn't use the attack stat anyway, it's all impact
  12. You know how much more active OCR would be if the panel was fast? Just saying, if it took a bit less than a year to get a "NO" vote I could see people being a little more active here It'd be nice to have a lot of new people. I like remixing a lot but I've been stuck doing pro jobs (i call them that cause it includes money) and playing video games, mostly Destiny, but I just got Until Dawn.
  13. I'll seend you a friend request Coaltergeist and I'll introduce you to some of the regulars
  14. They can't blame me if there's not enough time cause they still have the rest of August, all of September, and basically all of October until the 31st that's like..... Over 50 days!
  15. If it helps save time, you could just tag all of mine as "best" .... my initials, Brandon E. and the first 2 letters of my last name
  16. Well the good news is that the song is basically done, and it even has really solid mix/master right now.. the bad news is I forgot to record the synth solo and I still need to put in the Cage clips. But guarantee it will be done on the 22nd!
  17. In the case of Destiny it's like, we've thrown the whole deck of cards at the story for our game...... but those cards are only available on bungie.net, not in the actual game For anyone familiar with the Grimoire cards
  18. Do an inbox flood, mixes that have been sitting in the inbox for more than 6 months
  19. "I've created for you this genius work of art, this incredible painting" "...but this is a blank canvas." "Use your imagination and fill in the blanks; I'm interested to hear your interpretation." Video game stories, ~2009 and beyond But if you read the paint bottles you can get some good insight into... something.
  20. Listen to a song you really like, then try to write a song just like it with similar elements and structure but change it all just enough that it is your own. That's basically the gist of making music anyway, but to specifically do THAT and then just have a little fun with it can be a great thing. Alternatively find an output for the music where you can get instant gratification in the form of feedback or comments, such as Youtube or somewhere not governed by a panel Maybe even the workshop forums if it's a remix. Lastly you could listen to this and just give up
  21. I might have a DW1 mix somewhere that was meant for the Dragon Quest album that I think got cancelled. I MIGHT have it, but over the years I lost a hard drive or 2. But at any rate if there's interest I could look for it, but be warned the mix is from like 2010 or maybe even earlier so it's not up to 2015 standards but I would definitely be able to touch it up if the files exist. As for the balloon trip breeze mix I'm focusing 100% on vampire variations 3 right now so I can't start yet, I am holding other projects up
  22. The story is hidden in item descriptions and in-game vaguetries; even with Bloodborne!
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