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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I went into this compo not really wanting to make rock or metal ITT Brandon is a whiny little bitch
  2. There's no way I won by 7the when we were tied or Tuber had the lead all along. Please do a vote recount of my round just to be fair Edit: sorry im not home and I'm on my phone so I didn't see the votes after 10am
  3. I've lost in round 1 of every single compo I've been in. Not counting the ones that didn't follow that format. Oh well. At least I like the song, I may remix more but I'll keep them to myself And put them on that secret album of mixes I'm planning that won't be done for 9 years. Congartulartoin Tuberz
  4. I am so horribly and unforgivably underpowered. I got some sweet drops but they're for like, 5 levels above me... Bought some boots on the AH, needs to save up some money and get some more armor. Need to get that Vitality++++ -- yeah I'm searching for Vitality stat armor. Anyway... it's still fun I guess, even though I die almost constantly, and a lot of the time in 1 hit. It's hell.
  5. I've already made a "music video" for mine in the sad chance that it doesn't get selected for the album. I will hold off on uploading it until I find out what's up, but I'm so excited for people to hear this song. And that first prize is soooo good. I'd love me some... well... all of that. Except the mics, I already have them, the 991 went bad and I upgraded to MXL 4000 - Best mic I've ever had. So on the chance that I do win, I might have to check with zirc about sending them to a runner up instead.
  6. I'm really working on my second entry but it's sooooo weird and I gotta figure out how to pump an original part into it giggity
  7. Everyone knows Vinnie's got giant white hands! Seriously, he looks like a super creepy Rayman there
  8. oh ya ten hairy fat man dicks
  9. Albums are evaluated by a team of judges, so no, it's not true.
  10. I thought DH was nerfed before they nerfed it, I never used the shadow walk though. Caltrops are too important.
  11. Has it really been a couple months since I heard from ya? How are things, man? :-D

  12. So in the end Capcom is selling the remixes as part of a bundle for $150
  13. Ball lightning is one of the best DH attacks. I've been using Rapid fire but sometimes I still have to go to Ball lightning, like when I'm going to encounter swarms of darkness etc.
  14. It was a DP, just waiting to get posted!

  15. Hah yeah.... I bought a couple hand bows, then bought a couple better hand bows. It works.
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