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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yes, this is what I come to the thread to find out about. If people are gonna jibber jabber in a totally anti-Mr. T way, they should quote this stuff so it doesn't get lost
  2. No question I will take your feedback in for a "next version" if I am forced to produce one. I could simply chop a more perfect, or a series of more perfect sections and loop them for the rhythm at the intro. As an artist I tend to leave small discrepancies like that which the "average listener" probably wouldn't even be aware of. I think the imperfection is what makes it sound real and human . It's a legitimate thing to point out, and that small flub wouldn't have even been noticeable if I had used the higher gain settings like the ones I recorded it with. I went with lower gain which exposes stuff like that a lot more. And I had to use lower gain because of hardware issues that were causing an insanely loud buzz. Some of that buzz is present in the intro because I didn't want to cut it there so people could hear what was up, that's buzz with low gain.. imagine it with high or even moderate gain. But yeah, I've had some pretty conservative stuff pass so I guess I try to "walk the line" as Johnny Cash would say, hahaha. I used to make stuff that was way too liberal. Funny, ain't it? But yeah I'm hoping this does well as is but I'll definitely have to change it if it gets no'd, or else nobody will ever hear it, eh? I guess the judge perspective will determine whether it passes or needs to have very substantial changes made to it as a whole. I can tell you one thing, if I have to re-amp it due to the guitars, it'll sound completely different. I'd definitely push to get higher gain if I had to redo it. Thanks rozo
  3. Well like previously mentioned it was subbed on January 23rd. I wasn't disregarding his feedback, just seeking more clarification.
  4. I want my Candy Land FPS Why do people have to vote for the same crap that everyone is making... steampunk RTS.... SNORE.
  5. Yeah Rozo can be kinda harsh, but he actually gave me some really good advice early on (not literally early on, I mean after I returned in 2009) that I think helped me start off the right way. He mentioned not stuffing a mix, that less is more, that some of his mixes that had more luck on the panel had less layers in 'em.. stuff like that. So years later, today I still think less can be more if it is used well, but I'm finally getting the EXP needed to add more layers and EQ them properly.
  6. Har har yeah, I hope the talented Mr. Gourley has a "secret" version of the site he is adding the download links and such to, otherwise the big release may be awkward if people just nag the songs as they're added, haha.
  7. I think he means questions involved with running a project since that's kinda his thing
  8. We only waiting on judges and prototype raptor, surely they can finish in a timely manner. hyuk hyuk Lol I'm sorry. Ahh hey they know I'm kidding.
  9. I enjoyed "I Closed My Eyes" and "A Conclusion" and thought I could work with them. Most of these remaining songs are too thick or active for me to understand. I think Dancing Animals would make a good rocker. It'd be sad to see that go uncovered. Maybe down the line if nobody grabs it I could try, but for the moment that's too many to claim. D: I got lots of tracks to finish before I can do this but definitely should be able to hit it before MAG and avoid your wrath!
  10. Haha yeah! Glad it's going good. One per month sounds good. Remember when the front page used to have a "news slider" type thing instead of an album trailer? It's probably been over a year since I've seen that news slider.
  11. Remember last year for a while when albums would come out on like, the 1st? Or the 15th? Now the schedule is all outta wack and stuff is coming out on like... the 22nd? Haha. But seriously, that was a good flow and it worked to get a good number of albums out at the end of the year, and leave a consistent amount of time between each one. I don't see this dropping "tomorrow" but it'd probably be cool to eventually get back on that 1/15 schedule for albums. Just my 2 cents. I could be totally wrong about how things go down. Seems like it'd be ideal for having 15 days of rest between each one though. There weren't too many mixposts since UH came out... 7? And UH is half way down the front page still. SUPER EXCITED For this album though. It's about time!
  12. No offense intended to you and I think this is the greatest album idea in recent time.. but.. I personally think this should be multiple albums instead of one huge album. Star Ocean deserves its own album. Eternal Sonata deserves its own album. Even Resonance of Fate could use an album. You don't gotta have 9 discs. Why not... 1 disc? Or 2 discs? Why do an entire gigantic album at once? Why not start with a specific game and run with that, finish it -- 1 or 2 discs of Star Ocean. Or hell, do a whole star ocean thing with like 4 discs that covers all of the games... What you're doing is saying like.... let's make an album of one of the most prolific J-Composers out there today... It's as silly as trying to stuff 10 final fantasies worth of Nobuo Uematsu onto 1 album. No offense intended man! I'd love to see a Star Ocean album, maybe even a Star Ocean album series (in the vain of FF5 OCR series). Why can't it be done? Why? At any rate I think if you go forward with all of the Motoi stuff, you're going to bite off more than you can chew and possibly hit a wall. I always recommend trying to do a smaller album for people because they don't realize how long it will take, how hard it will be to get artists involved, and how hard it will be to get updates from said artists.
  13. Man Rozo you say ALL of my songs are out of time! And yeah it's conservative and repetitive but it's somewhat less repetitive than the source (the solo section is half as long!) and it's a bit faster than the source... and it's also conservative but it has a fair deal of personalization, yah? Most of the rhythms are original apart from that palm-muted triplet! Do you feel that it is not enough for this to pass?
  14. Welcome to the wooooooorld of tomorrooooooooow! Too much dubstep lately, but this is GOOD! VERY GOOD!
  15. Man this looks like a real game. You'll make some serious bank with this. If you really need to hire a developer, offer 'em 5% royalties or something. You'll be rolling in cash when you go to sell this thang.
  16. Makes me want to dust my wacom tablet off (literally) and see what I could do.
  17. Wish granted. You've got the last 3 months of your life back. They will be added on to the end of your life, thusly you shall live 3 months longer. P.S. i'm a genie P.S.2. it was totally a hoax PS3: still not repaired and returned to me yet.
  18. Nice, all dem votes be counted! Keep 'em coming, otherpeople!
  19. Just bumping up for more votes on the currently listed games. Might be good to not suggest any new games... seems like the interest is going to go down, and we've got enough nominations to be honest. So yeah, I'd like to get some more votes, figure out set 2, then leave this thread open for general discussion about modern games that have good modern soundtracks.
  20. I'd tell you guys that some of the levels are off (like stevo's super quiet) but you'd probably just MAKE FUN OF ME
  21. Surely that's not true! I made a song for it! I don't make remixes for personal use!
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