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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Kickdrum is too loud! Deal with it until I fix it, but judge otherwise. :-)

  2. Lady in the Water was a great movie.


    Leave the ff1 in the end of your ff3 if you want. I still need to listen to your new version of that. XD then i will bring maxwell's silver hammer down on its head :cry:

  4. Lemmy see dat trailer! I know you got it unlisted on the you tube!

  5. Let me know where to drive to, foo! Maybe I can visit for 4/20

  6. Let's do a metal / prog mix of Dancing Mad from FF6. Let's make it 20 minutes long and split it into three, 7 minute pieces. :-P

  7. LIES!!!!! LIES AND SLANDER!!!!!!!!

    I merely tapped a key a few times! Garpocalypspe did all the hard work, then you did some hard work! Mine took time but it wasn't hard, nor did it contribute to the arrangement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. LOL Oops please disregard what I said in that PM, I completely forgot I never did song 6 yet... err so I may try to finish 10 today, might have to hit up 6 tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. :-D

    Edit: Actually I'm feeling super tired and will hit the bed, hopefully finish the other 2 tomorrow. 2 a day ain't bad. Sorry I didn't get 'em all done on the weekend :'(

    Edit2: 6:15am I'm gettin close to recording again, see you are online :-o

  9. Lol where you at?

  10. Lol. Probably not but I could try. I don't even know what my ideal key range is. Worst case scario it'd still be cool like older iced earth.. xD

  11. LOLOLO >>> I am going to pm you some totally over the top ugly bugger MP3... if it's too over the top tell me I'll redo it :tomatoface:

  12. Maaaan how do you cook the charcoals?! I didn't know I was going to need a blowtorch and a jackhammer for this stuff eh

  13. Maek WIP? :cry: I know I'm not being too pushy cause I post on your wall here and it says my last request was in JANUARY!! So hopefully Life is finding you well and I hope to hear more from you in the future! :-)

  14. MAN I GIVED U A GIFT FOR UR BIRTHDAY U STILL WANT THAT REMIX SHEESH CALM DOWN LOL wahhh you make-a me sad! you make-a me sad! SAD! i'll make it someday and it'll be terrible! TERRIBLE!

  15. man i have the flu :cry: got it yesterday morning.. slept almost constantly since... hope there's not too much left to it.. it completed destroyed my throat on day 1, when i woke up it felt like i neesed to clear everything out of there but it was so painful and i couldn't talk and i was sad.

  16. Man I sent a message that day describing what the coals were doing and asking what I was doing wrong, and they granted me $15 in store credit to buy different coals! I guess what I described wasn't normal.

  17. Man I smoked up all dat wildberry mint, put in my usual stuff and realized I've been burning the crap out of everything. I'll have to get it again and try it with the normal coals.

    Anyway what's up with your FF2 song!! Man I'm so excited about this. I still need to do my own songs, and I'm trying to juggle everything I owe people and figure out how to get back to it. Hmph. Anyway yeah! :-D

  18. Man I think someone else is gonna send a PSP, they contacted me late last night and they had 3 PSPs and one was somewhat broken and I'm gonna get that one and he's gonna let me keep it! That's pretty awesome! But I will NEVAH forget that YOU were the first person expressing interest in that. Thanks man. :-)

    Quit being British! :x

  19. Man it's your life you can do what you want ^_^ I hope I wasn't too harsh. But I do think keeping all of your music under 1 umbrella is the way to go. Unless you're ashamed of something, then use a fake name, I did that once. ONCE. But it's because it was so bad I didn't want anyone to know I had made it.


  21. Man why did you hint that BadAss 2 might be coming out?! Now people are going to be expecting it REALLY soon z_z

  22. Man, between work and sleep, I ain't talked to you in FO-RE-VAH -- but I will never forget your generosity and how awesome you are. EVAH.

  23. Man, I got $32! Thanks so much ! :-D

  24. Man, I should have offered this sooner, I'm sorry. But I'd be willing to help you get Sturm up to snuff for Volume 3 even though I didn't wanna do V3... I'm coming around to it, I may do it. But I definitely wanna help with your song. But I think we should reform some of it, maybe remove the "Are You Metal?" homages and completely rewrite the lyrics, which I could do if I was doing vocals. Also I could mix and master it if you want, or help you do it. Just offering. :-)

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