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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Scythe-styled blades of chaos... Claws of Hades.. > In retrospect I also think Dante's Inferno had a much better vibe that just pulls you in, consistently.. First time I played it I had to pause it and walk away for a while. EDIT: I may be wrong about the Scythe, but it was definitely scythe-styled blades of chaos! EDIT2: Terraria.. Yeah. I'd love to get it, just can't justify it with what's going on IRL.
  2. That's possibly the most amazing FF-related piece of fan art i have ever seen Even though Kefka is a female clown Looks like the singer for Cradle of Filth
  3. I took my server down with the Ghibli World because I was trying to climb the fancy tree house and a creeper blew up, then when I tried to rebuild the ladder, zombies were falling on my head. I will redownload it and try again eventually. Or maybe one of you guys who has an "actual server" can host it. :3
  4. Ghibli World A lot of you may have heard of Ghibli World. I downloaded the map, and the tileset, and I'm walking through the world right now, if anyone would like to check it out themselves feel free to log on. It uses THIS tileset, make sure you install it first: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/60582-128x12815-azas-arid-pack-254/ Here's the IP: ----------------- It's running off of my computer so don't expect anything too fancy.
  5. I giggled at that line. It's stupid and not something you'd expect to read in your basic "to be taken seriously" article. Also "....One of the game's producers, in an official statement tantamount to a poop-nugget...."
  6. It may just be because I'm disconnected from the gaming world, but I never knew they made enough levels for 2 games worth for FF13. Maybe that's why they're making the sequel. *shrug* I found some of this info, like that, very interesting.
  7. http://kotaku.com/5803573/a-planet-without-square+enix Reviving this old multi-purpose FF thread to share with you this hilarious article, that is somewhat of a tongue-in-cheek attack against Square that gets moderately hilarious as it goes on. It even looks into the future at the end for possibly future occurrences with Square. It's worth reading, if for nothing more than the nostalgia (bad word.)
  8. The point I was trying to make was that Sony isn't taking this as seriously as they should be... now with the password reset form being exploitable too... It's a comedic circus of comedy that is also a tragedy. It's a dramedy of tragic proportions.
  9. The chit chat in this thread is a little excessive.. just saying. And in a DarkeSword™ thread no less.
  10. I don't have nearly enough LSD to enjoy this properly, but great work to you sir
  11. Yeah. Multi-tracking all instruments and vocals is a necessity.
  12. I posted on your wall because you expressed an interest in such things, but here I am again to say happy birthday to one of the coolest cats to ever grace this side of the internet. Yeehaw.
  13. This game sounds pretty rad from what I'm hearing. And to the people saying it's a Minecraft clone... come ON. I bet you're the same uninformed people who said Dante's Inferno was a God of War clone. Just because a game has similar elements doesn't make it a clone.
  14. Considering they don't really accept accountability over the issue nor show any sincere regret over it, I'd say it's safe to assume that what Crowbar Dude said is pretty accurate
  15. I can understand where the 'bogue is coming from. For a while there they were teasing us with an album near the first of the month, then another one near the 15th of the month. Now it seems like 1 per month (June, July)... Is this from the amount of albums ready to release being lower?
  16. @OCRE: I'm getting Dead Nation and Infamous, I already have LBP... so we can play together sometime when the system is back stable and the games are downloaded. I looked at trailers for all of the games and decided I would probably have the most fun with Dead Nation, the others looked goood though. Might actually be cool to see how many OCR people will be playing Dead Nation and get something going
  17. I think someone hacked Skrypnyk? Or he's on some kind of trolling fetish lately Yeah this should be in community! You make badass music, and the stuff I'm streaming on MySpace now sounds amazing. Big Balls Cowgirl is a bit of a strange name, hahaha... but the music more than makes up for that.
  18. Valve tries this idea 1 month later Profits down 1,000% Good people pay less, "bad" people don't pay
  19. Looking forward to it in June. It will be very much welcome after the album drought of mid-May 2011.
  20. If anything I bitched about having my private information being stolen, possibly even my credit card, not being told about it for a week after it happened and 23 days total of not knowing what the hackers had access to. Don't judge me, sir. Sony got off very light on this one.
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